
  • 网络sand hill;Sand Mountain
  1. 他堆起了一座沙山来保住奶奶的房子。

    He builds a sand hill to save Grandma 's house .

  2. 实际上,它是一座小沙山。

    Actually , it 's just a small sand hill .

  3. 基于ERDAS的三维地形景观图制作&以甘肃省敦煌市鸣沙山地形为例

    The Facture of Three-dimensional Landform Landscape Map Based on ERDAS

  4. 今天我去游玩了鸣沙山。

    Today I go to the Min Sha Mountain .

  5. 鸣沙山非常好玩。

    The Min Sha Mountain is very good .

  6. 九江&澎泽一带沙山研究存在问题探讨

    Discussion of existing problems on the research of the sand hill from Jiujiang to Pengze

  7. 鸣沙山月牙泉是世界上罕见的沙漠景观。

    The Sing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring is a rare desert view in the world .

  8. 然后我又爬上沙山的半山腰准备滑沙。

    Then I climb to the middle of the sand hill and ready to slide the sand .

  9. 而沙的主要来源,是位于石窟西侧1000多米的鸣沙山。

    The chief source of sand is mount Mingsha more than1000m to the west of the grottoes .

  10. 新型高效大功率送丝电源丝路三大鸣沙山

    New type high efficiency big power wire welding power The Three Booming Sands Mounts on the Silk Road

  11. 敦煌市鸣沙山月牙泉自然遗产保全的研究

    Proposal for the protection of natural heritage of Singing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring in Dunhuang City , China

  12. 多风信条件下,沙砾质戈壁与鸣沙山进行着往复式的能量交换及物质运动。

    Under multi-wind directions , the energy exchanging and material transporting repeatedly happened between gravel gobi and the Mingsha Mountain .

  13. 风成沙地地形1/10定律的研究与敦煌鸣沙山成因的猜想

    Probe into the " one-tenth " Law of Aeolian Sandy Landform and Guess at Causes of Sand-dinging Mountain in Dunhuang

  14. 至晚冰期的年代地层序列和古气候环境,同时对沙山成因、古湖沼形成机制进行了深入探讨。

    This paper , in detail , deals with the cause of formation of sand hill and formation mechanism of palaeolimnology .

  15. 非沙质床面零星分布的单个新月形沙丘具有明显的移动性和形态的不稳定性(高大新月形沙山除外)。

    The scattered single barchan dunes on the non sand bed possess movability and form unstability except the high large crescent sand mountain .

  16. 以往的研究主要取得了对该沙漠及其沙山的近130ka来环境变化历史的框架性认识。

    The acquired research achievements are mainly about the general environmental change history of the desert and its mega-dunes during the latest 130 ka .

  17. 气候湿润期(间冰期)沙丘主要通过钙胶结层固定沙丘表面,并增大沙山基底;

    During the humid period ( interglaicial period ) sand dune surface was stabilized by calcareous cement layer , thus the dune bases were enlarged .

  18. 这3种先锋植物可以在同类矿山尾矿沙山的植被重建与恢复中推广。

    The three kinds of pioneer plants could be extended to the vegetation reconstruction and recovery of the gangue sand hills of similar mine hills .

  19. 介绍了浙江省在电力投资建设和电力产品市场领域引入竞争机制采取的措施,以兰溪电厂、乌沙山电厂为例说明在厂址产生和电源项目业主产生中采取比选和招投标模式;

    The measurement adopted by Zhejiang province in introducing competition mechanism to the field of electric power construction and investment and the field of electric power product market was introduced .

  20. 鸣沙山脚下这排由5种沙生植物组成的防护带,是绿色生命挺身守护敦煌的一曲凯歌。

    The protective belt formed by a row of five kinds of psammophytes at the foot of Mount Mingsha is a song of triumph singing the praise of green life courageously guarding Dunhuang .

  21. 鸣沙山由一系列绕着月牙泉的沙丘组成,得名于其独特的形状和音效特点。当风吹过沙丘时,便可听到回声。

    Echoing Sand Mountain is a series of dunes surrounding Crescent Lake . Named for its distinctive shape and aural characteristics , its echoes can be heard as the wind blows over the dunes .

  22. 在同学眼里,我就像电影《沙山复仇记》里的安迪-脱范一样,像个英雄似的成功越狱,还了自己清白。

    In the eyes of the students , I must have seemed like Andy Dufresne from the " Shawshank Redemption ", who successfully escaped from an unjust jail and also cleared his name from crime .

  23. 随着当地旅游业的发展和地下水的不合理开采利用,使月牙泉呈现干涸的趋势,鸣沙山的生态景观受到严重破坏。

    With the development of local tourism and irrational exploitation of ground water , Crescent Spring is on the way of drying up and the ecological environment around Singing Sand Mountain is under severe threat of degradation .

  24. 沙山环抱之中,有一泓清泉,形似月牙,故名月牙泉。在月球的高地上留下无数环形山,有的直径达236千米。

    At the foot of the mountain is a crystal-clear lake shaped like the crescent moon . Hence the name the Crescent Moon Lake . The lunar highlands are scarred by innumerable craters ranging up to 236 km in diameter .

  25. 处于我国西北内陆干旱荒漠地带的世界最高大的沙丘系统&巴丹吉林沙漠横向沙山系统,具有重要的风沙地貌与沙漠第四纪地质及水文学研究价值。

    The Badain Jaran Desert transverse mega-dune system in inland arid desert zone of northwestern China , as the highest dune-system in the world , has significant research value in the aspects of Aeolian Sand Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology and Hydrology .

  26. 沙漠的形成时代、沙源、沙山及其间湖泊的成因与演化过程等及其与区域及全球气候环境变化的关系需要进一步研究。

    There are still some important problems waiting for further studying , they are the desert formation age and sand source , the causes and evolution of mega-dunes and inter-dune lakes , and the relation between regional and global climate environment changes , etc.

  27. 宋夏时期,卫宁平原土地沙漠化进一步扩大了,其西部的中卫已出现了沙山,而东部也在七百里瀚海的边缘。

    During the Song and Xia dynasties , the earth desertification of the Weining plain has further expanded , the sandhill appeared in the western side of Zhongwei county within the Weining plain , and eastern boundary of the plain had also reached the edge of the desert areas .