
pī bō zhǎn làng
  • cleave through the waves
劈波斩浪[pī bō zhǎn làng]
  1. 在中速拐弯时,在油门保持稳定并启动转向装置的情况下,依靠20英寸(约50厘米)的Cyclone车轮和运动型车胎,F-Type只管劈波斩浪,蔚为壮观。

    Midcorner , with the throttle held steady and the steering cranked , on the 20-inch Cyclone wheels and sport tires , the F-Type just rips and spits incandescently .

  2. 我在远航,劈波斩浪,追寻自由,到你身旁;

    I am sailing , stormy waters , to be near you to be free .

  3. 技术正在改变这一切,它正在劈波斩浪为今日的水下探索者开路。

    Technology is changing all that . It 's literally parting the waves for today 's undersea explorers .

  4. 这是一个美人鱼的传奇,她的灵魂为水而歌唱,她唯一的梦想是劈波斩浪。

    This is a saga of a mermaid whose soul sang for the water , whose only dream was to travel those waves .

  5. 劈波斩浪铸丰碑&苏州二建建筑集团有限公司董事长、总经理宫长义写真

    Beating right against the wave to build the monument & Mirror Gong Changyi , the Board Chairman and General Manager of Suzhou Erjian Construction Group Co. , Ltd