- cleavage;schistosity;striation;seratification

The seepage from cleavage G 4 is not the main cause of the high groundwater level .
Rupture , cleavage and diaclases develop greatly , and rupture of late stage parallel distribute along with nearly SN direction generally and superposition on the east-west direction structure of early period , which forms the basic tectonic framework of this area .
During the third folding stage , the middle part ( B ) was deformed , there were parallel folds and similar folds , locally with cleavages , and also reverse ductile shear zones and reverse-nappe structures .
Most minerals , e.g. , amphiboles , are characterized by at least two generations , and the well-developed ductile-brittle shear deformations are shown by the development of folds , shear foliations or cleavages , S-C fabrics , NNE to NNW-striking stretching lineations and mylonitic microstructures .
A quantitative analysis of the angle between conjugate extensional crenulation cleavages
The second group belongs to interbeded cleavage controlled by lithology .
There occur vertical stretching lineations on the flow cleavage planes .
The second by north east-trend neutral folds and axial crenulation cleavage ;
A New Type of The Fracture Cleavage & Tensile Cleavage
The textural analysis of the strain - slip cleavage
An important problem OE the geology work in the field & distinguishing bedding from cleavage
The origin of flow cleavage is the core to discuss the ordered Liaohe Group sequences .
The stress field analysis showed that the cleavages formed under horizontal , S-N trending compressive stress .
This paper discusses principles , ways and significances of distinguishing bedding from cleavage in the field .
The trend of the P shear with opposite shear sense may constrain the development of the antithetic eccs .
The second episode is characterized by NW-SE direction compression-shortening deformation with formation of two conjugate fracture cleavages or kink bands .
The second one , nearly coaxial with the first one , is composed of subhorizontal upright schistosity folds with axial crenulation .
The later folding is characterized by the superposition of folds of different ages and orientations , nearly-vertical axial-plane and rare cleavages .
The following definitions apply to any planar surface , e.g. bedding , fault , joint or cleavage planes , veins or mineral deposits .
Microscopic C ' have similar characteristics to macroscopic C ' . They can furnish micro-scale evidence for propagation of macro-scopic C ' into low - angle normal faults .
The second is NW ( 310 ° & 330 °) closed similar or congruous folds and fracture cleavages superposing on the first formations under the state of quasi-plastic ;
The cleavage and schistosity acted as an axial plane role in the early generation of compressed shear fold , and changed into a slip plane in the later generation of flexural slip fold .
The angle between the synthetic ecc and the mylonitic foliation ranges from - 9 ° 44 ′ to 35 ° 16 ′, depending on the simple shear component relative to the pure shear one .
Newly-formed syntectonic mineral assemblage along cleavage plane and clastic grain deformation characteristics indicates that the cleavages were formed at the low greenschist facies conditions in the middle-upper crustal level and were featured by ductile-brittle deformation .
It is considered that extensional type brittle faults could be generated through multiple transformations from ductile foliations ( S2 ) to cleavages and joints , and mainly owing to the tectonic deformation from compressive to tensile .
It is showed that most of the fault scratches on the walls from east to west , inclined to east , angle 10 ° - 20 ° by the field observations . It is developed multiple sets of cleavage break and NW trenching .
The first group of clea - ( vage ,) being distributed at the footwall of main thrust and controlled by faults , behaves as a set of compressive planes whose occurrence , deformation characteristics and slipping direction are consistent with that of the main thrust .