
pī lǐ
  • cleavage;schistosity;striation;seratification
劈理[pī lǐ]
  1. G4劈理带的渗漏不是引起左岸地下水位偏高的主要原因;

    The seepage from cleavage G 4 is not the main cause of the high groundwater level .

  2. 区内地质构造复杂,断裂、劈理、节理极度发育,后期断裂总体上沿近SN向平行展布,叠加在早期东西向构造上,形成本区的基本构造格局。

    Rupture , cleavage and diaclases develop greatly , and rupture of late stage parallel distribute along with nearly SN direction generally and superposition on the east-west direction structure of early period , which forms the basic tectonic framework of this area .

  3. 褶皱阶段的中间构造层次(B)的变形,有局部出现劈理的平行褶皱与相似褶皱并存,伴生有逆冲型韧性剪切带和逆冲-推覆构造。

    During the third folding stage , the middle part ( B ) was deformed , there were parallel folds and similar folds , locally with cleavages , and also reverse ductile shear zones and reverse-nappe structures .

  4. 岩体本身则发育良好的脆-韧性剪切变形,表现为褶皱、剪切叶理(或劈理)、S-C组构、北北东-北北西走向的拉伸线理和糜棱状显微结构。

    Most minerals , e.g. , amphiboles , are characterized by at least two generations , and the well-developed ductile-brittle shear deformations are shown by the development of folds , shear foliations or cleavages , S-C fabrics , NNE to NNW-striking stretching lineations and mylonitic microstructures .

  5. 共轭伸展褶劈理夹角的定量解析

    A quantitative analysis of the angle between conjugate extensional crenulation cleavages

  6. 第二种劈理为层间劈理,受岩性控制。

    The second group belongs to interbeded cleavage controlled by lithology .

  7. 在流劈理面上发育有垂直的拉伸线理。

    There occur vertical stretching lineations on the flow cleavage planes .

  8. 第二期形成北东向中常褶皱及轴面折劈理;

    The second by north east-trend neutral folds and axial crenulation cleavage ;

  9. 破劈理的新类型&张劈理

    A New Type of The Fracture Cleavage & Tensile Cleavage

  10. 应变-滑劈理的结构分析

    The textural analysis of the strain - slip cleavage

  11. 野外地质工作中的一个重要问题&区分层理与劈理

    An important problem OE the geology work in the field & distinguishing bedding from cleavage

  12. 流劈理的成因机制是讨论辽河群层序有序性的核心问题。

    The origin of flow cleavage is the core to discuss the ordered Liaohe Group sequences .

  13. 应力场的分析表明,劈理构造由近南北向的地壳水平挤压应力作用形成。

    The stress field analysis showed that the cleavages formed under horizontal , S-N trending compressive stress .

  14. 本文论述了在野外正确区分层理和劈理的原则。方法及其意义。

    This paper discusses principles , ways and significances of distinguishing bedding from cleavage in the field .

  15. 方向的同向剪切趋势抑制反向褶劈理的形成。

    The trend of the P shear with opposite shear sense may constrain the development of the antithetic eccs .

  16. 第二期为平行造山带的挤压缩短变形,形成区域透入性共轭破劈理或膝折带。

    The second episode is characterized by NW-SE direction compression-shortening deformation with formation of two conjugate fracture cleavages or kink bands .

  17. 第二世代为与第一世代近共轴的具轴面褶劈理的近水平直立片理褶皱;

    The second one , nearly coaxial with the first one , is composed of subhorizontal upright schistosity folds with axial crenulation .

  18. 晚期褶皱表现为不同时代、不同方向、不同类型的叠加褶皱,轴面近直立,有时伴有轴面劈理。

    The later folding is characterized by the superposition of folds of different ages and orientations , nearly-vertical axial-plane and rare cleavages .

  19. 以下诸定义适用于任何平面,如层面,断层面,节理面或劈理面,岩脉或矿床。

    The following definitions apply to any planar surface , e.g. bedding , fault , joint or cleavage planes , veins or mineral deposits .

  20. 显微C'具有与宏观C'相似的特点,为同向伸展褶劈理扩展为低角断层提供了显微尺度依据。

    Microscopic C ' have similar characteristics to macroscopic C ' . They can furnish micro-scale evidence for propagation of macro-scopic C ' into low - angle normal faults .

  21. 第二幕为叠加在第一幕之上的北西向(310°&330°)紧闭相似或同斜褶皱及破劈理等,属准塑性状态下的变形;

    The second is NW ( 310 ° & 330 °) closed similar or congruous folds and fracture cleavages superposing on the first formations under the state of quasi-plastic ;

  22. 片理(劈理)为早世代挤压-剪切褶皱的轴面片理,又成为晚世代弯滑褶皱的滑动面;

    The cleavage and schistosity acted as an axial plane role in the early generation of compressed shear fold , and changed into a slip plane in the later generation of flexural slip fold .

  23. 同向褶劈理与糜棱面理间的夹角变化于-9°44′~35°16′之间,取决于简单剪切与纯剪切的相对组分。

    The angle between the synthetic ecc and the mylonitic foliation ranges from - 9 ° 44 ′ to 35 ° 16 ′, depending on the simple shear component relative to the pure shear one .

  24. 沿着劈理面同构造新生矿物组合和碎屑颗粒变形特征表明,劈理形成于地壳中浅部构造层次上的低绿片岩相条件下,以韧脆性变形机制为主。

    Newly-formed syntectonic mineral assemblage along cleavage plane and clastic grain deformation characteristics indicates that the cleavages were formed at the low greenschist facies conditions in the middle-upper crustal level and were featured by ductile-brittle deformation .

  25. 这是由于韧性断裂中的面理(S2),经劈理、节理多次转化,由压性构造转化为张性构造并形成伸展型的脆性断裂。

    It is considered that extensional type brittle faults could be generated through multiple transformations from ductile foliations ( S2 ) to cleavages and joints , and mainly owing to the tectonic deformation from compressive to tensile .

  26. 通过野外现场观测,壁上绝大多数断层擦痕均呈东西走向,向东倾斜,倾角10-20°。还可以见到多组破劈理面,走向东西。

    It is showed that most of the fault scratches on the walls from east to west , inclined to east , angle 10 ° - 20 ° by the field observations . It is developed multiple sets of cleavage break and NW trenching .

  27. 第一种劈理分布在主干逆冲断层下盘,受断层控制,为一组压扭性构造面,其产状、变形特征和滑动方向与主干逆冲断层相一致;

    The first group of clea - ( vage ,) being distributed at the footwall of main thrust and controlled by faults , behaves as a set of compressive planes whose occurrence , deformation characteristics and slipping direction are consistent with that of the main thrust .