
  1. Barkhordari说,中国只有坚持这条道路才能够实现它的两个百年目标。

    Barkhordari says China can only realize its two centenary goals by this path :

  2. 英国迪伦·托马斯社团的主席,以及这一年若干活动的赞助者汉娜·埃利斯(HannahEllis)说,百年庆典的目标之一就是令公众重新关注他的作品

    Refocusing public attention on his work has been one of the aims of the centenary , said Hannah Ellis , president of the Dylan Thomas Society of Great Britain and a patron of this year 's events .

  3. 在分科主义、科学主义及革命语境影响下,百年语文课程目标,经历了从圣人之学到为人生日用,从思想政治教育到全人发展的历程,表现出明显的政治社会化取向。

    With the effect of department instruction perspective , science perspective and context of revolution , the language programme aim , having gone through the stages from saints ' knowledge to for daily use , from political education to all-round development , tends to be evidently political-oriented .

  4. 打造百年云铜的新目标,使云铜人精神更振奋,士气更高昂。

    Make a new goal of Yunnan Copper , Yunnan Copper spirit of the people is more exciting , more high morale .