
Producing wheat under extensive conditions ; agriculture of the extensive type .
Because of the influence of climate undulation and desertification , this area gradually formed diversified economic types which had principal extensive agriculture and auxiliary hunting , fishing , gathering during the period of Hongshan Culture .
The traditional extensive agricultural production way is harm for the ecology vulnerable area agricultural sustainable development .
Due to the decisive role the agricultural growth method plays in the sustainable development of resources , the transition of traditional and extensive form of agricultural growth is especially important to improve the sustainable development of agriculture .
The traditional agricultural production mode is not suitable for the need of the modern agriculture development , therefore , to change the backward , small-scale , extensive agricultural production mode and establish an advanced , large-scale , intensive modern agricultural production mode is a must .
At present , the scale of arable lands at oasis is too big , and the load of water resources is surcharged . The only way out is to change the irrigated farming of thick type to irrigated farming of water saving and high efficient type .