
shèng shù
  • Holy Tree;palo santo
圣树[shèng shù]
  1. GPS设备使卑格米人能够定位圣树、传统的狩猎场、以及由于生长着特殊果实或昆虫幼虫因而在具体季节不能扰动的植物。

    The GPS device allows Pygmies to pinpoint sacred trees , ancestral hunting grounds , and plants which should not be touched during the season when they yield special fruits or caterpillars .

  2. 他们要在圣树下宰牛。

    They slaughtered a cow under the Holy tree .

  3. 此外,橄榄也是雅典的圣树,是和平的象征。

    In addition , olive is the sacred tree of Athens , the symbol of peace .

  4. 我们切勿因自己的妄想而砍倒天恩之手栽种的本圣树;

    Let us not , because of our own imaginings , cut down this tree that the hand of heavenly grace hath planted ;

  5. 在那里,法瑞克斯将公羊献给了宙斯;而将金羊毛送给了埃厄忒斯国王。国王将羊毛钉在一棵圣树上,并派了一条不睡觉的龙负责看护。

    There he sacrificed the ram to Zeus and gave its golden fleece to King Aeetes , who nailed it on a sacred tree and put a sleepless dragon in charge .

  6. 伴随着这圣树的倒下,对于这地球的战争那个现在移向“天空”直到亚得里亚君王(教皇本笃十六世)崩退。

    With the great tree now " fallen ", the battle for this Earth now moves to the " sky " until the " Monarch of Adria "( Pope Benedict XVI ) has " fallen " too .