
xī bù piān
  • Western;western films;the western film
西部片[xī bù piān]
  1. 你应该看更多的西部片来提高你的英语。

    You ought to watch more Western films to improve your English .

  2. 在美国文化进入20世纪后,其中的理想化的沉默仍然很强烈:想想西部片里头(讲起话来)言简意赅的英雄或者海明威的小说。

    The idealisation of silence remained strong in American culture into the 20th century : think of the laconic heroes of Western films , or of Hemingway 's novels .

  3. 警匪剧在电视上盛行之时恰好是西部片衰退之际,这并非偶然。

    It 's no accident that the boom in police series on TV coincided with the decline of the Western .

  4. FirstCow《第一头牛》凯莉·莱卡特导演的《第一头牛》是一部背景设定在19世纪20年代的俄勒冈的安静温柔的西部片。

    Kelly Reichardt 's First Cow is a quiet , tender frontier drama set in The Oregon Territory in the 1820s .

  5. 他说,《逍遥骑士》(EasyRider)是一部真正的西部片,只是用机车取代了马儿,片中有坏男孩、机车骑手和串珠项链。

    Easy Rider , he said , was really a western with motorcycles instead of horses : bad boys , bikers and beads .

  6. 它结合了福克纳(Faulkner)与瑟吉欧·莱昂(SergioLeone)的意大利式西部片风格,所以特别吸引我。

    It 's the combination of Faulkner and Sergio Leone 's spaghetti westerns that gives the book its spark for me .

  7. 作为好莱坞经典西部片的影迷,我的第一倾向是表现得像《正午》(HighNoon)中的加里•库柏(GaryCooper),让那些朝鲜人好好见识下,在这一带他们是在跟谁打交道。

    As a fan of old Hollywood westerns , my first inclination was to behave as if I were Gary Cooper in High Noon and show those North Koreans exactly who they were dealing with in these parts .

  8. 另一个竞争者是拉杜·裘德(RaduJude)的《喝彩》(Aferim!),它是一部发生在19世纪的西部片,讲述罗马尼亚的罗姆人受到的奴役。

    Another contender is Radu Jude 's " Aferim ! " a 19th-century western about the enslavement of the Roma of Romania .

  9. 论白人主流意识形态在早期经典西部片中的刻写

    On the Inscription of Mainstream White Ideology in Early Classic Westerns

  10. 电影类型学视野下的中国式西部片界说

    On " Chinese-Style Western Film " from the Perspective of Cinematic Typology

  11. 西部片是美国非常著名的一种影片形式。

    Westerns are the famous kind of movie from America .

  12. 它颇象一部摄制得很好的西部片,充满活力。

    It was rather like a good western , full of life .

  13. 你有卫星天线吗?他们播放很多西部片。

    You got a satellite ? They show all those old westerns .

  14. 只有演西部片的时候我才看。

    I only watch when there 's western on .

  15. 我想是放西部片。

    I think there 's a western film on .

  16. 你要拍一部西部片,霍华德?

    Are you making a western , howard ?

  17. 那是我孩提时代在西部片里看到的名字

    It was some guy I saw in Western when I was a kid .

  18. 1992年,伊斯特伍德因其“反传统西部片”《不可饶恕》而赢得了奥斯卡最佳导演奖。

    In1992 , Eastwood won the Best Director Oscar for his revisionist Western Unforgiven .

  19. 她请他在她的西部片《致命快枪手》中扮演角色。

    She had him cast in her Western movie The Quick and the Dead .

  20. 此地的影片千篇一律:有战争片、西部片和侦探片。

    The movies here are the same : war stories , westerns , and mysteries .

  21. 他最为人称道的是其主演的西部片,而且成为了美国人永远的偶像。

    He is most famous for his Westerns , and became an enduring American icon .

  22. 这部电影是美国西部片,那喧闹的配音吵得他头痛。

    The movie was a Western and the noisy soundtrack had given him a headache .

  23. 美国电影兴起于西部片。

    American cinema was founded on Westerns .

  24. 自然与人的神话&浅析中国西部片

    The Myth of Nature and Man

  25. 以后发迹成为早期西部片的大明星之一。

    And from there rose to be one of the great stars of the early Westerns .

  26. 像我的朋友,礼的喜爱美国西部片每条我们最喜欢的英雄。

    Like my friends , Reza 's loved American Westerns and each had our favorite hero .

  27. 别浪费时间了,西部片我看过许多了。

    Don 't waste your time . I 've been to a lot of cowboy films .

  28. 他应是迷上了美国西部片尤其是无敌的拳王。

    He was enamored of the American Western especially with Chong Wang , who as invincible .

  29. “门”的符号,就像狂野西部片里轿车上的一对门。

    The symbol of the door looks like a pair of saloon doors in the wild west .

  30. 你看起来像以前西部片里的型男。

    It 's a strong look . Y-you like one of those tough guys in an old western movie .