
  • 网络crunch
  1. 这也许会使仰卧卷腹变得更有趣。

    This might just make crunches more entertaining . 10 .

  2. 开始做仰卧卷腹,每做一个就从书堆上拿一本书。

    Begin your crunches , grabbing a book from the pile for each one you do .

  3. 很多人认为诀计是进行针对腹部的运动,如仰卧起坐或卷腹。

    A lot of people think that exercises targeting the stomach area , such as sit-ups or crunches , are the way to go .

  4. 麦吉尔博士建议那些过去常做仰卧起坐的健身爱好者可以改练改良版的卷腹,它给脊柱的压力会小很多。

    For fitness lovers who used to do traditional sit-ups , Dr McGill recommends a modified curl-up that puts less stress on spines than traditional sit-ups .

  5. 它们之间的区别是仰卧起坐的动作幅度更大,而且训练得有可能不光是腹部肌肉,还可能训练到臀部肌肉。而卷腹则只是训练腹部肌肉。

    The only real difference between the two is that the sit-up has a fuller range of motion and it targets the hips , not just the stomach .

  6. 为了练出搓衣板般健壮的腹肌,很多人都曾在健身大汗淋漓地做仰卧起坐和卷腹运动,甚至不惜做到肌肉抽筋。

    Plenty of us have spent time sweating it out at the gym , doing sit-ups and crunches til our muscles cramp , with the aim of getting washboard abs .