
  1. 答应我,别告发我!

    Promise not to tell on me !

  2. 答应我,你会特别小心照顾好自己。

    Promise me you 'll take very special care of yourself

  3. 答应我,不要浪费自己的时间。

    Promise me you will not waste your time

  4. 如果你答应我的要求,就会得到我的感谢。

    If you grant my request , you will earn my thanks .

  5. 父亲不会答应我辍学。

    My father would not consent to my leaving school .

  6. 当被问到他这样做的原因,林肯回答道:“因为我曾经答应我的妈妈永远不拿属于别人的钱。”

    When asked why be did not make a record of the amount and , for the time being , use the whole , Mr. Lincoln answered , " Because I promised my mother never to use money belonging to another person . "

  7. 但是答应我,一有什么事情,就打电话给我。

    But promise me you 'll call me if anything happens .

  8. 你能答应我一辈子都记得这个故事吗?

    Will you promise to remember this story all your life ?

  9. 答应我,你要为了你的信念而奋斗。

    Promise me that you 'll give faith a fighting chance .

  10. 迈克儿和蔼的答应我担当我的纽扣。

    Michael has graciously agreed to act as stud for me .

  11. 答应我你不会吃他们的东西。

    And promise you don 't eat anything they give you .

  12. 我儿子答应我他会直接回家。

    My son promised me that he would come straight home .

  13. 你应答应我服从他的指挥。

    You 've got to promise me to obey his command .

  14. 我答应我老婆今天晚上早回家。偶尔也表示“你太太”。

    I promised the little woman to be home early tonight .

  15. 我答应我妻子下午带她去买东西。

    I promised to take my better half shopping this afternoon .

  16. 他答应我尽快完成这个工作。

    He promised me that the work should be done quickly .

  17. 要是你答应我的那天你不来。

    Lf you don 't come the day you promise to .

  18. 爸爸答应我回学校的时候,给我条狗的。

    Dad promised me one when I went back to school .

  19. 答应我如果你想要离婚。

    Promise me if you ev want to get a divorce .

  20. 你还得答应我另一件事.什么?

    And you have to promise me something else . What ?

  21. 当我说再见,答应我你不会哭泣。

    When I say goodbye , promise me you won 't cry .

  22. 他答应我7点钟来,但他食言了。

    He promised me to come at7 , but he finked out .

  23. 答应我你会微笑着送别。

    Promise me you 'll say goodbye with a smiie .

  24. 特迪,答应我你以后不会再这样。

    Teddy , you promised me you wouldn 't do that anymore .

  25. 好吧,答应我要小心德国人。

    OK . But promise me you watch out for the Germans .

  26. 我答应我母亲还要作100下的。

    I 've got to do100 strokes . I promised my mother .

  27. 还是答应我上汉斯福来吧。

    Promise me , therefore , to come to Hunsford .

  28. 她就是不肯答应我的要求。

    She just wouldn 't do what I asked her .

  29. 除非你答应我的请求,不然我不起来。

    I shall not rise until you grant the boon I ask .

  30. 我希望在日落前你能答应我的请求。

    By sunset , I hope you will have agreed .