
  • 网络guangzhou restaurant
  1. 1993年,在广州酒家当侍应小姐。

    Employed at Guangzhou Restaurant as waitress , 1993 .

  2. 广州酒家园林的发展对于发扬和传承本土地域文化有着至关重要的作用。

    The development of Guangzhou Restaurant gardens plays a vital part of promoting and developing local culture .

  3. 这星期什么时间我们一起去广州酒家吃中饭好吗?这样,我们可以边吃边谈。

    Would you like to have lunch with me at Guangzhou Restaurant some time this week so that we can talk about it over lunch .

  4. 广州园林酒家建筑的保护、传承与发展,不能仅停留在技艺保护与建筑形式的简单复制,更要参悟它的文化精神与理念,使之与当代城市建设更好融合。

    The inheritance , protection and development about Canton Garden-Restaurant can not just stay in the simple level , but should also understand the spirit of local architecture culture well so that to make our modern urban construction more sensible and rational .