
  • 网络labeled antibody;labelled antibody;radio-labeled antibody;Antibody, Ab;Ab-L
  1. 目的:探讨药物标记抗体导向治疗系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)所致血小板减少的可行性及效果。

    Objective To discuss the feasibility and effect of labeled antibody on targeting therapy of systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) associated thrombocytopenia .

  2. 用5M碱性磷酸钾缓冲液维持溴化氰活化纸片时所需的pH,用标记抗体同种动物血清稀释,简化了操作手续。

    The required alkaline pH could be easily maintained with 5M alkaline potassium phosphate buffer during paper disc activation with cyanogen bromide . The nonspecific adsorption of labeled antibody could be reduced by diluting the antibody with homologous animal serum .

  3. 一种敏感、快速、特异的抗双股DNA测定法&短膜虫酶标记抗体技术

    A Sensitive , Rapid and Specific Assay for Double Stranded DNA Antibodies

  4. 新试剂N-(β-羧基丙酰基)异鲁米诺标记抗体的研究

    Studies on the Label of Antibody by a New Reagent N - (β - Carboxypropionyl ) isoluminol

  5. 用抗血吸虫成虫抗原的多克隆抗体为捕捉抗体,抗虫卵抗原的单克隆抗体MG2为标记抗体的双抗体夹心ELISA检测血吸虫循环抗原。

    Sandwich ELISA using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies was applied for detection of circulating schistosome antigen .

  6. 方法用SPA法在载体上固定系列浓度酶标记抗体,绘制抗体浓度-吸光度曲线,寻找SPA与抗体的最佳结合条件。

    Methods Used SPA method to immobilize the enzyme conjugated antibody of different concentrations ! and drew the antibody-OD line .

  7. 用辣根过氧化物酶标记抗体Fab染色法在光镜及电镜下检测大肠癌的CEA标志

    Detection of CEA Marker of Colon-Rectal Carcinoma under Light and Electron Microscopes Using Horseradish Peroxidase Labeled Anti-CEA Fab Antibody

  8. 以碱性磷酸酶(AKP)标记抗体IgY成功地检测出了TMV。

    The IGY marked with Alkaline phosphatase ( AKp ) , and the TMV was tested successfully for the double-antibody sandwich method of direct ELISA .

  9. 以辣根过氧化物酶标记抗体,建立拟除虫菊酯的直接竞争抑制ELISA(DC-ELISA)检测方法,进一步优化分析条件并建立了一种适用于蔬菜样品中菊酯残留快速检测的规程(protocol)。

    A direct competitive ELISA ( DC-ELISA ) was established by using the highly generic antibody against PBA , which was labeled with Horseradish Peroxidase ( HRP ) .

  10. 药物标记抗体导向治疗老年人免疫性血小板减少性紫癜的实验研究EGFR单抗导向药物对恶性肿瘤治疗作用的探讨

    The study on guide treatment of drug lablled antibody upon immune thrombocytopenic purpura in the elderly THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF MONOCLONAL ANTI EGFR ANTIBODY LEADING CHEMOTHERAPY TO HUMAN TUMOR

  11. 试验证明金纳米粒子作为传感层与以往使用金纳米粒子标记抗体或抗原相比,其作为传感层也能大大提高SPR检测灵敏度,且操作简单易行。

    The experiment showed that SPR signal could be dramatically enhanced with gold nanoparticles as sensing membrane instead of as label , and the operation was simple .

  12. 方法应用碱性磷酸酶标记抗体技术,观察CD44在胚胎肾组织和肾小球疾病患儿肾活检组织中的表达。

    Methods The expression of CD44 in fetal kidneys and renal biopsy material from patients with glomerular diseases was observed by using alkaline phosphatase labelled antibody technique .

  13. 结论PR3、MPO抗体作为系统性血管炎的一种敏感标记抗体,有利于该疾病的早期治疗。

    Conclusion As sensitive markers of systemic vasculitis , anti-PR3 and anti-MPO antibody may be useful for diagnosis and early treatment .

  14. 结果:标记抗体对巨噬细胞的杀伤作用明显大于游离MTX;

    Results : Conjugation showed stronger cytotoxicity upon target cells than free MTX , and it showed only less cytotoxic effect on Fc receptor negative cells compared with the positive ones .

  15. 在固相抗体待测抗原标记抗体夹心复合物体系中,以(SERS)标记的金溶胶与抗体结合,制备标记抗体。

    In the sandwich structure of immobile antibody-antigen-labeled antibody , the authors prepared the labeled antibody by attaching gold nanoparticles , which was first labeled with molecule that had SERS signal , to the antibody .

  16. 结果第1组,于注射RA后第16天,视网膜下腔表达视杆细胞特异性标记抗体的视网膜感光细胞数量增多及内核层增厚;

    Results In group 1 , the number of the retinal cells expressing rod specific opsin marker in the subretinal space was significantly increased and the thickness of inner nuclear layer was also increased after the RA treatment for 16 days .

  17. 为此,本文对~(18)F-FDG双探头符合线路显像、标记抗体显像、基因显像和前哨淋巴结核素淋巴显像在肿瘤诊断、治疗中的应用进行了初步探讨。

    The dual-head coincidence ~ ( 18 ) F-FDG imaging , antibody imaging , gene imaging and sentinel lymph nodes lymphoscintigraphy were done herein to explore the approaches to diagnosis and therapy of carcinoma .

  18. 制备出3种不同结合比的酶标抗体,对检测条件进行了优化,建立了标记抗体固相抗原直接竞争ELISA(cdELISA)检测丁草胺的方法。

    A competitive enzyme-linked immunosobent assay ( ELISA ) for the detection of the herbicide butachlor was development , which based on enzyme-labeled antibody and solid antigen ( cdELISA ) .

  19. 本文应用未标记抗体过氧化物酶和抗过氧化物酶(PAP和双桥PAP)技术染色,保存5~20年,福尔马林固定的石蜡包埋标本,显示反应性增生和腺癌转移淋巴结中IgG产生细胞。

    A study was made of the unlabelled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase method in the application to the formalin-fixed paraffin sections stored for five to twenty years , so as to demonstrate the IgG-containing cells in the reactive and adenocarcinoma metastatic lymph nodes .

  20. 131IantiKDR的放射免疫治疗示实验组与非标记抗体对照组均能明显抑制膀胱癌的生长,但前者作用快且抑制率明显高于后者;

    RIT of 131I-anti-KDR showed that the growth of bladder was significantly suppressed in the experimental group and anti-KDR monoclonal antibody group , but the suppression ratio in the experimental groups was superior to that in the anti-KDR monoclonal antibody group .

  21. 通过氨基反应制备金刚烷标记抗体(ADA-Ab),通过计算得到每个抗体上的ADA单元负载数量为7个。

    The ADA labeled antibody ( ADA-Ab ) was synthesized via amide reaction , and the number of ADA moieties loaded on single antibody was calculated to be ~ 7 .

  22. 方法采集分离健康人和慢性乙型病毒性肝炎患者外周血单个核细胞(PBMC),利用多种荧光标记抗体标记细胞表面分子,再用流式细胞仪检测CD8+T淋巴细胞表面CD27和CD45RA表达情况。

    Methods PBMC were isolated from normal individuals and patients with chronic HBV infections . Flow cytometry was used to detect the expressions of CD45RA and CD27 on the surface of T lymphocyte subsets .

  23. 其异硫氰酸荧光素(FITC)荧光标记抗体筛选灵敏度可达体积稀释比1∶2000。采用氩离子激光扫描荧光成像技术,成功实现了基于光谱自编码微球的多样品免疫荧光混合筛选和荧光成像。

    The volume dilution rate of FITC assay in screening can reach 1 ∶ 2000.Applying Ar ~ + - laser fluorescence scan-imaging technology , immunofluorescence mix-screening of multi-samples and fluorescence imaging based on optical self-encoding microbeads was realized successfully .

  24. 试验测得待标记抗体最低稳定量为40μg/mL;

    The minimum of labeling antibody was 40 μ g / mL.

  25. ~(188)Re直接标记抗体方法研究

    Study of Direct Labeling Antibody With ~ ( 188 ) Re

  26. 荧光标记抗体追踪天花粉蛋白引产作用部位的研究

    Studies on the site of action of induced abortion by Trichosanthin

  27. 方法间接荧光标记抗体技术检测广州管圆线虫抗体,间接证实广州管圆线虫感染。

    Methods detection of serum antibodies by indirect fluorescent antibody test .

  28. 观察到粗丝在与标记抗体反应后,有侧向偶联现象。

    A pairing of the labelled thick filaments was frequently observed .

  29. 药物标记抗体体外导向治疗系统性红斑狼疮所致血小板减少

    Targeting therapy of SLE associated thrombocytopenia with labeled antibody in vitro

  30. 用于肿瘤放射免疫显像的~(99)Tc~m标记抗体

    ~ ( 99 ) TC ~ m-labelled antibodies for Radioimmunoimaging of tumors