
  • 网络standard penetration;standard penetration test;spt
  1. 标准贯入击数N(63.5)值杆长弯曲修正的探讨

    Discussion on the curvature correction of rod length of SPT blow count N 63.5

  2. 标准贯入试验在大庆油田工程勘察中的初步应用与成果分析

    Applications of SPT in Daqing oil site investigations and analysis of the results

  3. 用归一化标准贯入N值估算砂土的相对密度

    Estimation of relative density of sandy soil by normalized SPT - N blow count

  4. 在介绍标准贯入N值归一化研究成果的基础上,提出了用归一化标准贯入N值估算正常固结砂土相对密度的方法。

    Based on the research of normalization of SPT - N , a method to estimate the relative density of normally consolidated sandy soils is proposed .

  5. 地基处理后的检测结果表明,加固后的地基完全能满足对地基沉降、承载力和抗液化的要求用归一化标准贯入N值估算砂土的相对密度

    Standard penetration tests after the treatment indicate that all SPT blow counts reach design required N values . Estimation of relative density of sandy soil by normalized SPT - N blow count

  6. 文中介绍了上海地区典型地层的静力触探比贯入阻力p(?)值与实测标准贯入击数N(63.5)的相关关系。

    This paper introduced the correlations between the cone resistance p_s value of the static cone penetration test and the measured number of percussion N_ ( 63.5 ) of the standard penetration test in Shanghai typical strata .

  7. 本文根据有关文献资料,结合工程实例,对标准贯入试验击数N值的修正方法进行了讨论,并提出了具体修正建议。

    Based on the related literatures and data , combining with case histories , this paper discusses the correction method of the blow counts N of the standard penetration test . Concrete suggestions of correction are presented .

  8. 闽南地区花岗岩强风化界面的确定,在采用标准贯入试验作定量评价时,锤击数N是否修正,不同规范定义不一。

    About the problem of the interface determination of strongly weathered granite in the south of Fujian province , the quantitative evaluation can be performed by the blow counts N of standard penetration test ( SPT ), but the correction of N has different definitions from various technical regulations .

  9. 采用现场标准贯入试验,分析了粉砂土中PHC管桩的土塞特性、不同沉桩方式对桩周土力学性能的影响。

    Through the standard penetration test ( SPT ) the plug behavior of PHC piles in silty sand and the influence to the characteristics of the soil around PHC pile by driving or jacking methods are studied .

  10. 碎石回填地基上10000kN·m高能级强夯标准贯入试验

    SPT for dynamic compaction with 10000 kN · m high energy on foundation backfilled with crushed stone

  11. 地基土在制桩前后的标准贯入击数的变化。目前,建筑物的平均沉降最为3~10cm,地基的固结度多数已在80%以上,建筑物和设备基础没有出现任何不良现象。

    At present , the building has settled in the range 3 ~ 10 cm and the degree of consolidation is estimated to be over 80 % . The main building and the foundations of all facilities are in good condition and show no signs of foundation difficulties .

  12. 标准贯入与重型(2)动力触探试验成果的对比分析

    Contrast Analyses Of Standard Penetration Test And Heavy-duty Dynamic Sounding Test

  13. 深层搅拌桩标准贯入及取芯试验分析

    Analyse of SPT and Boring Sample Test of Deep Mixing Piles

  14. 标准贯入与波速在原位测试中的对比分析

    Contrasting Standard Penetration Test with Ultrasonic Wave Test In-site Tests

  15. 标准贯入试验的应用及贯入击数的影响因素

    Application of Standard Penetration Test and Influence Factor of Number of Blows

  16. 标准贯入实验在喷粉搅拌桩复合地基质量检验中的应用

    Application of STP to DJM pile composite foundation quality examination

  17. 标准贯入法在喷射混凝土早期强度检测中的应用

    Application of Standard Penetration Method in Test of Early Strength of Shotcrete

  18. 同时对施工前后周围土体不同位置做了标准贯入试验,研究了施工前后相应位置处土体的扰动影响。

    The penetration test study the disturbance of soil in difference location .

  19. 标准贯入试验中杆长校正的一点看法

    The view-point of the correction of rod length for standard penetration test

  20. 钻孔工艺对标准贯入试验影响的研究

    The Study of Examination Effect of the Drilling Technology to Standard Penetration Test

  21. 以标准贯入击数判断场地地震液化的概率方法

    The Probability Method of Defining Site Seismic Liquefaction by Blow Count of SPT

  22. 标准贯入试验击数与砂土参数间的统计关系

    Statistic Relationship Between Standard Penetration Test Blow Count and Parameters of Sandy Soil

  23. 邢台市剪切波速与标准贯入击数的相关关系

    Xingtai City Shear Wave Velocity and Standard Penetration Blow Count the Correlation Between

  24. 岩土工程测试中的标准贯入试验法

    Discussions on standard penetration test in rock-soil engineering survey

  25. 标准贯入试验在苏丹水利大坝勘察中的应用

    Application of Standard Penetration Test ( SPT ) in Hydro-power Projects in Sudan

  26. 浅谈利用标准贯入试验进行粉、细砂层工程地质勘察

    To Prospect Engineering Geology with Standard Penetration Test

  27. 深层标准贯入试验杆长校正的方法

    Rod length correction method of deep SPT

  28. 关于标准贯入击数和地基承载力取值讨论

    Discussion of Valuation of the Bearing Strength of Foundation Soil and the Standard Penetration Number

  29. 在液化粉土中标准贯入与微型贯入试验的关系研究

    The Research of the Relation between In-situ SPT and Laboratory MPT for the Liquefacient Silt

  30. 本文将现场标准贯入试验结果与室内三轴振动压缩实验结果相比较,并进行水平地面下饱和砂土简化液化势分析。

    Results from both SPT in situ and triaxial dynamic test in laboratory are discussed .