
  • 网络leisure
  1. 北京郊区休闲度假旅游用地现状及未来趋势研究

    A Study on the Present State of Land Use for Leisure Tourism in the Suburbs of Beijing and Its Future Trend

  2. 分时度假(timeshare)对消费者而言是一种休闲度假旅游产品;

    To consumers timeshare is a product of leisure tourism , while to corporations it is an operation mode of tourism real estate .

  3. 别具一格的日式乡村温泉,古埃及桑拿浴室,阳光温泉SPA,室内外连通的温泉泳池,私家豪华影院、各式海上娱乐项目等将为您在公务之余提供完美的休闲度假体验。

    In & Out-door Swimming Pools , Japanese Hot Spring , Ancient Egyptian Sauna Rooms , Sunshine SPA and a private cinema * all these will bring the most relaxation for your business trip .

  4. 亿万富豪的注意力集中于市中心区域的高档住宅,而非郊外或阳光充足地带的休闲度假物业。第一太平戴维斯全球市场研究主管约兰德·巴恩斯(YolandeBarnes)说。

    Billionaire activity has been concentrated on high-end urban centers rather than leisure properties in the surrounding countryside or regional sunbelts , says Yolande Barnes , head of world research at Savills .

  5. 苏州市环太湖地区休闲度假旅游发展探讨

    On the Development of Recreation Tourism around Taihu Lake in Suzhou

  6. 城郊休闲度假场所规划初探&以圆梦湖休闲度假村规划为例

    To Initially Explore the Plan for Urban Suburb Leisure Vacation Places

  7. 关于开发乡村休闲度假旅游的思考

    Thoughts about exploring holiday vocation and tourism in rural areas

  8. 通过景观设计提升休闲度假酒店的品质与价值

    To Increase the Quality and Value of Resort Hotels through Landscape Design

  9. 我国滨海休闲度假旅游发展研究

    A Study on Coastal Leisure and Holiday - Making Tourism in China

  10. 文章对舟山市海洋休闲度假旅游形象设计作了初步探讨。

    The article discusses ocean leisure tourism image design of Zhoushan City .

  11. 休闲度假酒店的景观设计&以博鳌亚洲论坛的景观设计为例

    Example for Landscape Design of Bo ' ao Asia Forum

  12. 与此对应的则为桂林休闲度假型旅游产品、专项旅游产品的开发。

    So it is suitable to develop leisure-tourism products and special tourism products .

  13. 我国旅游业正向休闲度假型转变。

    Chinese tourism has been undergoing the transformation into the trend of recreation .

  14. 龙门温泉是您休闲度假的最佳选择!

    Your Best Choice for Vacation and Leisure Taking – Longmen Hot Spring !

  15. 成都市乡村旅游的发展特色&休闲度假与文化旅游

    Developing Distinguishing Features of Rural Tourism in Chengdu ── Leisure and Culture Tour

  16. 休闲度假、会议旅游+房地产开发模式;

    Leisure-tourism , meeting tourism and real estate development ;

  17. 随着收入水平的提高,国民休闲度假的需求日趋旺盛。

    As incomes rise , the demands for leisure vacation increase in China .

  18. 峨眉山休闲度假旅游目的地建设研究

    Research of Ermei Mount leisure tourism destination construction

  19. 论我国城市郊区休闲度假旅游的发展

    On Recreational Tourism Development of Suburbs in China

  20. 某大型山水休闲度假区给水工程规划与设计

    The planning and design of water-supply engineering in a certain large landscape recreation holiday district

  21. 论桂林发展休闲度假旅游的战略选择

    On the Strategies of Guilin Leisure-tourism Development

  22. 胶园休闲度假区发展研究&记西双版纳橄榄坝农场度假区的规划

    The developing planning of the holiday resort in the rubber yard , olive dam farm

  23. 在崇明三岛总体规划中,对横沙岛的功能定位是休闲度假岛,是以休闲度假为特色的生态旅游度假区。

    In the master plan of Chongming islands , Hengsha island is marked as tourist area .

  24. 在新西兰,休闲度假就意味着接触大自然的原始风貌。

    In New Zealand , escaping means the chance to see nature as it was designed .

  25. 观光旅游向休闲度假旅游的转变进程中,体育旅游开始凸现。

    In the process of sightseeing tour transforming into holiday tour , sporting tour starts to rise .

  26. 颜色的外装饰面采用暖色的涂料以及一层厚重的石墩,营造出大气、舒适的休闲度假酒店形象。

    Warm-colored painting and thick stone block can form the image of generous and comfortable resort hotel .

  27. 山地旅游是休闲度假旅游产品的最佳载体,但山地旅游优越区在数量上较为稀缺。

    Mountain tourism is the best carrier of leisure tourism products , but optimal area is less .

  28. 我们设立一个河边休闲度假住宿在家庭层面的工作。

    We are working on setting up a river side recreational resort with accomodation at family level .

  29. 作为休闲度假产品的典型-温泉旅游在这一时期得到迅速发展。

    As a typical form of leisure vacation , spa tourism has made speedy development in this period .

  30. 观光农业是以农业活动为基础,农业和旅游业相结合的一种新型的交叉型产业,是旅游方式由传统观光型向新兴的休闲度假型转变的一个重要方向。

    Sightseeing agriculture is a new style industry inter-spanning agriculture and tourism with agricultural activities as the foundation .