
  1. 《仪礼》作为一部独立完整的个人著作,其成书的客观条件在先秦是不具备的。

    As an independent and complete personal book , YiLi Cannot be written before the Qin Dynasty .

  2. 我们可以根据待分析样品的性质选择不同类型的检测器,在个人的著作中有关于检测器的详尽介绍。

    The type of detector to be used depends upon the nature of the compounds to be analyzed and is specified in the individual monograph .

  3. 例如,公司内部机密文件不慎被拷贝流传出去,个人网上著作被恶意下载非法共享等等。

    For example , the problem of the company internal confidential documents copy happened to be in the spread out , personal Internet writings were malicious download illegally sharing and so on .

  4. 同时,《资本论》也是马克思和恩格斯两个人的著作,表现为一个庞大的文献群体,一个未完成的、开放的体系。

    At the same time , the " Capital " is also the common work of Marx and Engels , and presents itself as a huge literature group , an unfinished , open system .

  5. 著作权管理又可以称为著作权实现方式,它可以分为著作权个人管理、著作权行政管理和著作权集体管理。

    The administration of copyright is also called the realization of copyright , which is divided into personal management , administration and collective management .