
  • 网络emotional symptoms
  1. 情绪症状(例如,感到伤心、恐惧或焦虑)

    Emotional symptoms ( e.g.feeling sad , scared , or anxious )

  2. 目的了解围绝经期女性的心理卫生水平及其情绪症状的分布。

    ObjectiveTo investigate the psychological state and distribution of emotional symptoms of women during peri-menopause .

  3. 申请人有抑郁情绪症状,过份忧虑及睡眠障碍。

    He has depressive mood , excess worries and sleep impairment .

  4. 孕妇文化水平与躯体化和焦虑等情绪症状呈显著负相关;

    Culture level of pregnant woman with somatization symptom and anxiety , etc.

  5. 结果医学生抑郁、焦虑情绪症状检出率为22.40%和9.03%。

    Results The incidence rates of depression and anxiety were 22.40 % and 9.03 % respectively .

  6. 结论:情绪症状及其他心理社会因素与青少年危害健康的减肥行为相关联的现象需在青少年营养教育中予以关注。

    Conclusion : Close attention should focus on the relationship between insalubrious weight controlling behaviors of adolescents and depression symptoms and other psychosocial factors .

  7. 两组极少数病人以情绪症状为首诊原因,首次至本专业就诊时间均较长,大多数病人自知力不完整。

    A few patients in both group complained of emotional symptoms . Most patients had incomplete insight and sought psychiatric treatment long time after the onset .

  8. 你们巧妙地将一系列看上去足够像注意力缺失症的情绪症状结合在一起,以此在所有期末考试和标准化测试中赢取更多时间。

    You masterfully tied together a set of emotional symptoms that looked enough like attention deficit disorder to buy you extra time on all your finals and standardized tests .

  9. 运用多元方差分析和多元回归分析对调查数据进行统计分析,结果发现:1、留守与非留守初中生在情绪症状、困难总分和影响因子上差异显著。

    The analysis of the data was conducted by T-test , multivariate analysis of variance and multiple-regression analysis . The results are as follows : 1 . Significant differences between Left-behind and Living-with-parents middle school students were observed for psychological adjustment .

  10. SDQIOU组多动注意不能、品行问题、情绪症状、困难总分等因子的得分均高于对照组,在亲社会行为因子上的得分显著低于对照组(P<0.01或P<0.05);

    The IOU group had significantly higher scores on the SDQ subscales of emotional symptoms , conduct problems , hyperactivity and total difficulties and less scores on the subscales of prosocial behaviors than the normal group ( P < 0.05 ~ < 0.01 ) .

  11. 目的分析超重、肥胖对中专女生抑郁、焦虑等情绪症状和自我意识的影响,为学校开展超重、肥胖女性青少年心理健康教育提供依据。

    Objective To analyze the effect of overweight and obesity on self-concept and some emotional symptoms such as depression and anxiety among girls in technical secondary school , and to provide the basis for the mental health education of overweight and obese female adolescents in schools .

  12. 2网络过度使用学生与网络正常使用学生在情绪症状、行为问题、过度活动、同伴问题、总的困难及亲社会行为6方面均有极其显著的差异(P<0.001)。

    The SDQ showed that the internet overuse youngsters , when compared with the internet normal users in this study , reported remarkable differences on emotional symptoms , conduct problems , hyperactivity-inattention , peer problems and total difficulties as well as prosocial behaviour ( P < 0.001 ) .

  13. 每100女孩有情绪紊乱症状,

    For every 100 girls with an emotional disturbance diagnosed ,

  14. 近年来,负面情绪在症状感觉中的作用成为哮喘新的研究热点。

    The role that negative mood plays in perception of asthma symptoms is on research in recent years .

  15. 高血压病人普遍存在焦虑情绪和症状,甚至焦虑症,这种不良情绪与高血压的转归密切相关。

    Anxious emotions , or even anxiety disorders , are commonly found in hypertensive patients , which have close relations with the prognosis of hypertension .

  16. 消极情绪的症状一般体现在:没有胃口、失眠、体重下降、睡眠质量不佳以及吃得过多。

    While many think depressive symptoms are only the " classics ": loss of appetite , insomnia , and weight loss , a large subgroup sleeps more and eats more .

  17. 本文介绍了生存质量的含义和主要内容,并对其相关概念作了详细的阐述,它们包括健康、健康状态、健康相关生存质量、功能状态、情绪、症状等。

    This review is mainly concerned with quality of life , and other concepts related , which are health , health status , health related quality of life , functional status , mood , and symptom etc.

  18. 报告显示,在无认知障碍的老年人中,AD风险增加数比情绪与抑郁症状增加数高将近一倍。

    Among elderly persons without cognitive impairment , the report indicates , the risk of AD nearly doubled with each increasing number of mood-related depressive symptoms .

  19. 晚发组女性明显多于男性,精神因素,幻觉、被害妄想、偏执观念、情绪障碍等症状突出。

    The late onset group had significantly more females , more hallucination , more persecutory delusion .

  20. 目的:调查医学院校大学生焦虑、抑郁情绪与精神症状,研究该群体心理健康状况。

    Objective : To investigate the anxiety , depression , and psychiatric symptom in medical college students .

  21. 情绪、眼部症状和疲劳的单项评分在甘精胰岛素治疗组的提高程度也显著高于罗格列酮治疗组。

    Individual domain scores for mood , ophthalmologic symptoms , and fatigue were also significantly more improved by insulin glargine .

  22. 目的:调查脂肪肝患者的抑郁状况并探讨健康教育与心理干预对抑郁情绪、躯体症状及脂肪代谢的影响,为脂肪肝治疗推行健康教育及心理社会干预提供临床理论依据。

    Objective : To investigate the depressive symptoms of patients with fatty liver and the effect of health education and psychosocial intervention on depressive mood .

  23. 支持前述新诊断类别的一些专家表示,有些情绪与行为症状能通过治疗手段或药物改善,这与大多数的认知障碍不同。

    Some experts supporting the new diagnosis said that unlike most cognitive problems , some mood and behavior symptoms could be treated with therapy and medication .

  24. 这种成瘾的定义是,每天使用手机的时间超过七个小时,并在无法使用手机时出现焦虑、失眠、情绪低落等症状。

    This addiction is defined as spending more than seven hours a day using the phone and experiencing symptoms such as anxiety , insomnia and depression when cut off from the device .

  25. 41.6%的大学生存在不同程度的抑郁(抑郁情绪、抑郁症状或临床抑郁症),其中轻度抑郁占36.9%,重度抑郁占4.7%。

    Basing on correlative analyses , regression analyses and path analyses , we draw some conclusions as follow : 1 , 41.6 % of the undergraduates suffer from depression to some degree , 36.9 % of them are slightly depressed and 4.7 % are severely depressed .

  26. 俄勒冈健康与科学大学的阿尔弗雷德•洛威所做的一项研究发现,季节性情绪紊乱的大部分症状是由身体节律与太阳不同步导致的。

    A study by Alfred Lewy at the Oregon Health and Science University found that most of the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder are caused by body rhythms that are not in sync with the sun .

  27. NE和5-HT水平的下降会引起情绪低落等抑郁症状。

    A decline of NE and 5-HT may cause depression .

  28. 将两组治疗后各领域分值进行比较,治疗组在躯体功能、情绪功能、物理症状、整体健康状况、经济压力状况方面与对照组有差异性(P0.05)。

    After treatment , the scores in all areas compared to the treatment group in physical function , emotional function , physical symptoms , overall health status of economic pressure difference with the control group ( P0.05 ) . Conclusion : 1 .

  29. 重复呈现情绪面孔对抑郁症状大学生注意偏向的影响

    Effects of repeatedly exposed emotional faces on attentional bias of university students with high depression ratings

  30. 结论综合性医院临床儿科医生对情绪障碍躯体化症状的认识辨别能力急需提高。

    Conclusion Clinical pediatricians in general hospitals need to improve their understanding of somatization of emotional disorders .