
qiú ɡēn
  • bulb;bulbous roots
  1. 荷兰水仙(Narcissuspseudonarcissus),又名洋水仙、西洋水仙、欧洲水仙,是世界上著名的球根花卉,在国外被广泛用于盆栽和园林景观中。

    Holland Narcissus ( Narcissus pseudonarcissus ) is a famous bulb flower and widely used for pot cultivation and landscape .

  2. 球根花卉花期调控的研究进展

    The Research Advance of Flowering Time Regulator in Bulb Flowers

  3. RAPD分子标记在球根花卉上的应用研究

    The study on molecular markers of RAPD to bulbous flowers

  4. 百合(LiLiumspp.)是世界著名的球根花卉,花型优雅,寓意吉祥,深受人们的喜爱。

    Lily ( Lilium spp ) is the famous flowers with grace flower , implying propitious meaning , appreciated by many people .

  5. 罗汉果(SiraitiaGrosvenorii)是单性、雌雄异株的葫芦科球根多年生植物,是特产于我国南部的重要经济植物。

    Luohanguo ( Siraitia grosvenorii ), a dioecious and perennial cucurbitaceae plant with root tubers , is an economically important species endemic to southern China .

  6. 细叶百合(LiliumpumilumDC.)和松叶百合(LiliumcernuumKom.)是百合科百合属多年生草本球根植物,具有很高的观赏价值。

    Lilium pumilum DC . and Lilium cernuum Kom . are the perennial herbaceous bulbous plants , which belong to the Lily of the Liliaceae , with high ornamental value .

  7. 百合是百合属(Lilium)植物的统称,为多年生球根花卉,在世界范围内广泛的被用在切花、盆栽、绿化、食用、药用等。

    Lily is referred to the genus Lilium , is a perennial bulbous flowers in the world within a wide range of use in cut flowers , potted plants , greening , edible plants , use in medicinal and others .

  8. 大丽花(Dahliapinnata)为菊科大丽花属多年生球根花卉,常作花境、花坛或盆栽观赏,是世界著名的园林绿化材料。

    Dahlia pinnata , as an perennial flowering bulbs , belongs to the Compositae family Dahlia genus . It is a world-wide famous landscape greening material and is applied in flower borders , flowerbeds and pot flowers .

  9. 百合(LiLiumspp.)在我国栽培历史悠久,种质资源丰富,百合花姿绰约,色彩斑斓,花型丰富,喻意美好,是世界著名五大鲜切花之一,拥有球根花卉之王的美誉。

    Lily ( Lilium spp. ) cultivation in China has a long history , rich germplasm resources , Lily appearance graceful , colorful , rich flower types , metaphor meaning beautiful , is the five world famous delicacy cuts one of flowers , with " Bullbar flower king " reputation .

  10. 球根花卉种球休眠机理与激素调控

    Domancy Mechanism and Hormone Regulation on Bulb and Corm Flowers

  11. 去找几根枝条来生个火。拥有或产生球茎、球根。

    Please go and look for some sticks to make a fire .

  12. 北美西部产的一个草本植物大属,茎具叶,球根。

    Large genus of western North American leafy-stemmed bulbous herbs .

  13. 非洲落叶性或常绿球根草本植物的一个属;网球花。

    Genus of African deciduous or evergreen bulbous herbs : blood lilies .

  14. 墨西哥的一种球根状草本植物,为其漂亮而又鲜红的单花而栽培。

    Mexican bulbous herb cultivated for its handsome bright red solitary flower .

  15. 球根花卉的园林应用与发展前景

    Flower Bulbs in Landscape Use and Its Prospect of Development

  16. 石蒜科植物的一个科的模式属;球根状南非开花植物。

    Type genus of the Amaryllidaceae ; bulbous flowering plants of southern Africa .

  17. 北美洲前额程球根状的突吻鲸。

    North Atlantic beaked whale with a bulbous forehead .

  18. 半耐寒性多年生种子包括大丽花,天竺葵,大丁草和球根秋海棠。

    Half-hardy perennials include dahlia , geranium , gerbera , and tuberous begonia .

  19. 世界球根花卉种球的生产与应用

    Production and Utilization of Flower Bulbs in the World

  20. 一堵坍台的墙压倒在埋郁金香的地方,覆盖住了那些球根。

    An unstable wall had collapsed on the spot , covering the bulbs .

  21. 球根花卉育种是现代球根花卉研究的重要领域。

    The research of breeding was an important research filed of bulb flower .

  22. 拥有或产生球茎、球根。由球根生长成的植物。

    Having or producing corms . a plant that grows from a bulb .

  23. 百合、水仙是重要的球根花卉。

    Lily and Narcissus are important bulb flowers .

  24. 由球根生长成的植物。

    A plant that grows from a bulb .

  25. 他真后悔没把那些郁金香球根交给家里人。

    He so regretted that he hadn 't given the bulbs to his family sooner .

  26. 一个热带美洲产的球根开花植物的属。

    Bulbous flowering plants of tropical America .

  27. 在抽噎间,她告诉祖父黑郁金香球根。

    Between convulsive sobs , she told him that these were his black tulip bulbs .

  28. 他警觉地守卫着这几株郁金香球根,以防有人把它们偷走吃掉。

    These few bulbs he guarded vigorously to prevent people from stealing them for food .

  29. 小苍兰品种‘香玫’是鸢尾科香雪兰属球根花卉,是一种优良的观赏植物。

    Freesia refracta ' Xiangmei ' is corm flower and a kind of excellent ornamental plant .

  30. 百合是著名的球根花卉,其鳞茎具有自发休眠的特性。

    Lily is the famous flowering bulbs , its bulb has the characteristics of spontaneous sleep .