
  • 网络ball python;Python regius
  1. 2007年4月1日,在谷歌纽约办公楼,一名员工的球蟒跑了出来。

    A Google employee 's ball python escaped in the NYC office on April 1 , 2007 .

  2. 如果你再算上狗、猫、仓鼠、球蟒,那么我们就是12个皮肤黝黑轮廓分明的男性和一个女性,她依旧是这个团队的领导。

    If you counted the dog , cats , hamsters and ball python , we were an even dozen tawny , sharp-featured males and one female , but she was still the leader of the pack .

  3. 这种适应力的转变对成年球蟒尤其困难。

    This transition can be especially difficult for adult ball pythons .

  4. 大多数的好球是一只或几只野生球蟒生育而来的。

    Most have been bred from one , or just a few , wild-caught individuals .

  5. 许多从野生环境进口的成体球蟒需要一段困难的时光去适应笼养生活。

    Some adult ball pythons imported from the wild have a difficult time acclimating to captivity .

  6. 今天,球蟒已经因为它的吸引力、便于购置以及价格,而成为最普及的爬宠之一。

    The ball python , because of its appeal , availability and price , has become one of the most commonly kept reptile pets today .

  7. 球蟒在现如今的市场上其价格被严重低估,因此,也没有得到它们应得的照顾和尊敬。

    Ball pythons are tremendously undervalued in the market today and , as such , are not always treated with the care and respect they deserve .

  8. 在过去若干年里,球蟒的普及如烟花般绚烂。一英亩见方的花园生长出一大片绚烂的杜鹃花。

    In the last several years , the popularity of ball pythons ( Python regius ) has skyrocketed . The acre of garden is host to a splendid bank of rhododendrons .

  9. 因为球蟒每年大多数只生育一次而且每次生育的也不多,所以得花很长时间来确定这些遗传特征并能较容易地加以利用。

    Because ball pythons have small numbers of offspring and breed once a year at most , it takes a long time for these new traits to become established and readily available .