
qiú zuò
  • Ball socket;tee;ball seat
球座[qiú zuò]
  1. 传动球座在加工中心托盘交换机构中的应用

    Application of Transmission Ball Seat on Pallet Exchange Mechanism of Machining Center

  2. 主要包括基于齐次坐标变换法的综合误差建模,球杆仪检测法的几何及热误差分离原理,以及球杆仪球座安装误差的分离方法。

    Including comprehensive error modeling bases on the homogeneous coordinate transformation method , ball bar detection geometry and thermal error separation principle , and ball bar ball seat installation error separation method .

  3. 我俯下身把球放在球座上。

    I bent down to tee up my ball

  4. 答:球座不是B的携带品&见“携带品”的定义,所以B不受处罚。

    The tee was not Bs equipment-see Definition of " Equipment . " There is no penalty .

  5. 我买了些新球座,是钛合金的。

    I got some new kicking tees . they 're titanium .

  6. 由外壳、锁紧座和球座等组成。

    The landing collar comprises housing , ball seat and latch .

  7. 但是只有把它放在球座上。

    But only if you put it on a tee .

  8. 用于从球座上打高远球的球棒。

    A golf club used for hitting long shots from the tee .

  9. 想为高尔夫球比赛增添趣味?来点别致的球座吧。

    Want to spice up a golf game ? Add tasty tees .

  10. 我今天还想去下一个球座。

    I want to make the next tee today .

  11. 高尔夫球比赛中从球座到草坪的一个单元。

    One unit of play from tee to green on a golf course .

  12. 派克斯说,薄荷味球座是该系列产品中气味最为浓烈的一种。

    Mint is the strongest-tasting flavor in the range .

  13. 汽车耐磨球座聚酯弹性体专用料的结构与性能

    Structure and property of polyester elastomer special material for automobile 's friction-resistant sphere seat

  14. 高尔夫球比赛开始时把高尔夫球放在球座上准备击球。

    Strike a golf ball from a tee at the start of a game .

  15. 小心地拧入推杆的球座,直到拧不动为止。

    Screw ball socket of push rod in carefully as far as it will go .

  16. 先生,你需要球座,球标,记分卡和笔吗?

    Sir , do you need tees , ball marker , score card and pencil ?

  17. 我看见两名球员走过球座,拎起背包,开始比赛。

    I watched two players tee off , hoist their bags and march off to battle .

  18. 从侧面将球头安装到球座中,并固定驱动电机。

    Install the ball head into the ball socket from the side and secure the drive motor .

  19. 我出去散步,发现自己正站在古球场的第一个球座后的栅栏旁。

    I went for a walk and found myself standing by the fence behind the first tee at the Old Course .

  20. 乐乐安全棒球:青少年玩的棒球形式,球不是用扔的,而是将球放在球座上的一固定位置后再打击出去。

    T-ball n.A form of baseball played by young children in which the ball is not pitched but hit from a stationary position on top of a tee .

  21. 研制出用于汽车耐磨球座聚酯弹性体专用料,并对该专用料进行了结构表征,测定了该料的耐磨性能和力学性能,并确定了它的注射成型工艺条件。

    It was characterized in the structure . The mechanical property and friction-resistance of it has been determined . The technical conditions of injection for the special material was also determined .

  22. 一杆击中一杆就把高尔夫球从球座击入洞中高尔夫场地中标志球的位置的旗杆。

    The driving of a golf ball from the tee into the hole in only one stroke . flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green .

  23. 由于压差超过这个数字,阀出口向左插入,外部旁通阀安装在泵出口附近的球座上。

    D * For differential pressures in excess of this figure , the valve outlet can be left plugged , and an external bypass valve installed in a tee near the pump outlet .

  24. 在这里我也打过好多次我的标准杆,但是我没有大赛的球座,也没有职业选手们从明天早上到周六晚上的大赛压力。

    I have played to my handicap around it a few times , but that is without the championship tees and the pressure that the pros will be under from tomorrow morning until Sunday night .