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  • python
  1. 在炎炎夏日,你可以舒适地泡在佩腾伊察湖的凉水里或者去游览一番ActunKan(传说中的巨蛇之洞)。而且你一定要带回去一些当地著名的魔鬼辣椒酱,除非连你自己都怕得不行。

    On a steamy summer day , you can dip into the cool waters of Lake Peten Itza or tour the caves of Ak'tun Kan . And make sure you take away some of the great local habanero chile salsa , unless you 're just too afraid of it .

  2. 一条巨蛇缓缓地爬上伏地魔的椅子。

    The huge snake emerged to climb slowly up Voldemort 's chair .

  3. 巨蛇已经沉睡&是不是睡觉的时候了?

    The serpent sleeps - is it time for bed ?

  4. 在巨蛇的化石旁边,研究人员还发现了一种和鳄鱼类似的生物的化石。

    Remains of the croc-like animal were found close to the imposing snake .

  5. 但我们也要确保那些巨蛇不会到达地表。

    But we have to make sure those serpents don 't reach the surface .

  6. 蛇炮炮管修长,酷似巨蛇,故由此得名。

    The serpentine is so named , because its long slender barrel resembles a snake .

  7. 巨蛇迳自来到劳孔和他两个儿子站著的地方。

    The serpents advanced directly to the spot where Laocoon stood with his two sons .

  8. 6千万年前,这种类似于莽的巨蛇生活在现在的哥伦比亚北部。

    This gigantic boa constrictor - like snake lived 60 million years ago in what is now northern Colombia .

  9. 这是一只原本生活在亚马逊的巨蛇,被捕蛇人抓住后偷运到美国。

    This is a snake had to live in Amazon ; snakes were caught and arrested for smuggling into the United States .

  10. 据说,在秋分与春分日,太阳阴影会像蛇一样从台阶上爬行而下,与顶端雕刻的巨蛇相似。

    Shadows at the fall and spring equinoxes are said to look like a snake crawling down the steps , similar to the carved serpent at the top .

  11. 当你听到肠子饿得咕咕地叫时,好像有一条巨蛇要从你的腹内咬破了皮肉钻出来一般;

    When you hear your own stomach rumbling with hunger , you 'll feel as if a large snake were trying to gnaw its way out of your belly .

  12. 比我们以前曾看过的迂回曲折的史来哲林巨蛇更为黑暗的阴谋,当震惊打击读者像麻瓜看到天空中的飞车一样。

    The darker plot than we 're used to twists and turns like a Slytherin snake , while shocks hit the reader like a muggle seeing a flying car in the sky .

  13. 大多数创世记源自巨犬或巨蛇,而且每个创世记在它的解释中都是独一无二的。

    Most'Dreamtime'originates with the Giant Dog or the Giant Snake , and each is unique and colourful in its explanation .