
  • 网络Giant squid;Architeuthis;Colossal Squid
  1. 我心想:等到我对生孩子的感觉,像要去新西兰找巨型鱿鱼一样欣喜若狂的时候,才生小孩。

    And I thought , Until I can feel as ecstatic about having a baby as I felt about going to New Zealand to search for a giant squid , I cannot have a baby .

  2. 我心想:“等到我对生孩子的感觉,像要去新西兰找巨型鱿鱼一样欣喜若狂的时候,才生小孩。”

    And I thought , " Until I can feel as ecstatic about having a baby as I felt about going to New Zealand to search for a giant squid , I cannot have a baby . "

  3. 迄今为止发现的最大完整巨型鱿鱼在伦敦自然历史博物馆被展示。

    One of the biggest and most complete giant squids ever found is on display at London 's Natural History Museum .

  4. 这类巨型鱿鱼的眼睛大得惊人,因为它们常年生活在深海,看不见亮光。

    These humongous squids also have massive eyes because they live so deep in the ocean that they do not see any light .

  5. 巨型鱿鱼(大王乌贼属)可以长到43英尺(13米)长,重近一吨(907公斤)。

    Moses Harvey . The giant squid ( genus : Architeuthis ) , can grow to up to 43 feet ( 13 meters ) in length , and weigh as much as a ton ( 907 kilograms ) .

  6. 而在1873年,一个纽芬兰的渔夫意外捕获了一只身上长满触手的巨型鱿鱼并把它卖给了一个业余的博物学家—传教士-摩西哈维,科学家们首次找到类似这种海洋怪物的现实生物。

    But in 1873 , scientists got their first inkling of a real-life creature that resembled this one , when a Newfoundland fisherman caught a large tentacle-laden sea animal inadvertently and sold it to an amateur naturalist , the Rev .

  7. 那正是去年春天在我脸上绽放的那种喜悦;那一天,我得知我服务的杂志社即将派我去新西兰,写一篇有关寻找巨型鱿鱼的文章。

    This was the exact joy my own face had radiated last spring , the day I discovered that the magazine I worked for was going to send me on assignment to New Zealand , to write an article about the search for giant squid .

  8. 因为这种“低调”的家伙生活在深海中,所以直到2006年有一个研究小组在太平洋南日本海里设法钩住了一个24英尺(7.3米)高的巨型鱿鱼并把它拉到海洋表面,人们才得以一睹其真容。

    Because the immense creature lives deep underwater , humans never saw a living one until 2006 , when a research team in the Pacific Ocean south of Japan managed to hook a 24-foot ( 7.3 meter ) - long specimen and pull it to the ocean surface .