
  • 网络layout engine
  1. 在此基础上深入分析研究基于Gecko排版引擎的浏览器以及浏览器多媒体组件开发的关键技术、开发方法及开发环境。

    Analyze and research in depth set-top box browser multimedia components developed key technologies , development methods and development environment .

  2. 论文从文字代码、图像、布局排版、搜索引擎、数据库等5个方面着手,对图书馆主页加速技术进行研究,并指出了加速与优化图书馆主页的一系列方法。

    This paper investigates the accelerating technology of the library homepages from five aspects , that is , literal code , images , layout and makeup , search engine and database , and points out a series of methods for how to accelerate and optimize library homepages .