
piān fáng
  • wing;wing-room;concubine;side-room
偏房 [piān fáng]
  • (1) [concubine]∶旧时称妾

  • (2) [wing-room;side-room]∶四合院中的厢房

偏房[piān fáng]
  1. 我们有一间小小的偏房,里面有一张垂头弯腰的沙发和一台电视机。

    We had a small side room with a slouchy couch and a television set .

  2. 目前状况:博物馆于今年二月份重新开馆,但是伊拉克的官员们只寻回了6000个丢失文物,目前,这批被追回文物被安置在博物馆的一个特殊偏房里。

    Current Status : The museum reopened in late February , but Iraqi officials were only able to secure just 6000 of the missing items , which are now housed in their own special wing in the museum .