
piān yuǎn
  • remote;faraway;outlandish
偏远 [piān yuǎn]
  • (1) [outlandish]∶远离文明中心或不为人所知的地区

  • 青年人想去偏远的地方

  • (2) [remote]∶偏僻而遥远

  • 偏远的山区

偏远[piān yuǎn]
  1. 他们住在一处偏远地区,只能开车去。

    They live in a remote area , inaccessible except by car .

  2. 在偏远地区有飞行医生服务。

    A flying doctor service operates in remote regions .

  3. 他们住在偏远地带。

    They live miles off the beaten track .

  4. 他们住在很偏远的郊区。

    They live way out in the suburbs .

  5. 在一个偏远的地方,我们的车坏了。

    We broke down miles from anywhere .

  6. 这些偏远岛屿的主要产业为农业。

    The main industry on the outlying islands is farming .

  7. 这次地震摧毁了许多偏远乡村的土坯房。

    The quake destroyed mud buildings in many remote villages .

  8. 在偏远山区,选民骑着马赶来了。

    In remote mountain areas , voters arrived on horseback .

  9. 很多难民村落都在偏远地区。

    Many of the refugee villages are in isolated areas

  10. 要牢记一点:在比较偏远的地方加油站很少见。

    Bear in mind that petrol stations are scarce in the more remote areas

  11. 匪徒们逃到了一个偏远的山间藏身。

    The bandits fled to a remote mountain hideaway .

  12. 那个修道院在一个偏远的山口中。

    The monastery is in a remote mountain pass .

  13. 她喜欢上了到北美那些险象环生的偏远地区旅行。

    She developed a taste for journeys to isolated hazardous regions in North America

  14. 这些植物大多生长在偏远的乡村。

    These plants have a tendency to grow in the more rural areas .

  15. 他们搬到了非常偏远的地方。

    They have moved deep into the back country .

  16. 他住在一个位置偏远、有5个卧室的豪华乡间别墅里。

    He lives in a secluded five-bedroom luxury villa .

  17. 他住在某个偏远的乡村。

    He lived out in the sticks somewhere .

  18. 那辆军用卡车正载着14名士兵到挪威的一个偏远地区进行操练。

    The military truck was taking 14 men on exercise in a remote area of Norway .

  19. 在偏远地区,空气很纯净,庄稼也不施用有毒的杀虫剂。

    In remote regions , the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides .

  20. 宾馆已经客满了,客人们不得不到斯图尔特街上这家偏远的小汽车旅馆里来。

    The hotels are full up , and the guests have had to go to this dinky little motel way out on Stewart Avenue .

  21. 毕业之后,他在一个偏远小镇当起了中学老师。

    After graduation , he became a high school teacher in a remote town .

  22. 那座偏远小岛上的居民一直梦想着开凿海底隧道。

    The villagers on the remote island have been dreaming of tunnelling under the sea .

  23. 那些偏远的村庄于去年正式被并入该镇。

    The outlying villages were formally annexed by the town last year .

  24. 他们住在一个偏远的村子里。

    They abide in a remote village .

  25. 这些大规模的农场地处偏远,使得它们常常无人照管,每年只巡视一两次,这意味着如果牲畜生病或需要援助,农场主可能需要很长时间才能发现。

    The extreme isolation of these massive farms leaves them often unattended , and monitored only once or twice a year , which means if the livestock falls ill or requires assistance , it can be a long time for farmers to discover .

  26. 无论你处在生命里的哪个阶段、准备去向何方、在GDA做什么项目,你都能在一个贫穷而偏远的社区里创造积极的变化。

    Whatever stage of life you 're at , wherever you go and whatever project you do in GDA , you 'll create positive changes in a poor and remote community .

  27. 2015年初,金花了5个月时间探索这个地区最偏远的角落,它坐落在亚马逊雨林的边缘,那里25万人口中的一半都住在首都卡宴。

    Gin spent five months in early 2015 exploring the most remote corners of this area , which sits on the edge of the Amazon rainforest , with half its population of only 250,000 living in its capital , Cayenne .

  28. 这个拥有60个岛屿的偏远群岛现在是一个天然的实验室。

    The remote archipelago of 60 islands is now a natural laboratory .

  29. 我们不喜欢到偏远的地方去。

    We don 't like going off the beaten track .

  30. 居住在亚马孙河雨林偏远地区的部落

    tribes living in remote areas of the Amazonian rainforest