
yào xiāng
  • medicine chest;medicine-chests;medical kit
药箱 [yào xiāng]
  • [medicine-chests;medical kit] 装有急救或常用药品及消过毒的纱布,绷带的箱子,供医生出诊使用

药箱[yào xiāng]
  1. 一共5件行李,药箱除外。

    There are five pieces of luggage , not counting the medical kit .

  2. 带上药箱以防出现突发情况。

    Carry a medical kit for emergencies .

  3. 浴缸上方有个药箱。

    There is a medicine chest above the bathtub .

  4. 基于嵌入式系统和Java技术的智能药箱

    Intelligent Medicine Box Base on Embedded System and Java

  5. 结果:配备RFID系统的战备药箱,可以实现不开箱自动分类统计和管理箱内的医疗物资,实现了医疗物资状态的实时监控和医疗物资使用期限的自动提示。

    Results The combat readiness medicine-chest equipped with RFID system can automatically classify to count and manage medical supplies in medicine-chest without opening the chest .

  6. 方法:在战备药箱中采用RFID技术和串联空分多匝天线技术结合的RFID系统,使战备药箱具有智能化。

    Methods RFID technology and series antenna coils separated in space were used in combat readiness medicine-chest , thus enabling the medicine-chest to have the virtue of intelligence .

  7. 结论:1、吗啡(6mg/kg,sc)可诱导小鼠对伴药箱产生显著的位置偏爱。

    Conclusion : 1 . Morphine ( 6mg / kg , sc ) induced mice to obtain a significant CPP and the CPP model was reliable and stable . 2 .

  8. 投资者们希望这种小药包能够像上世纪40年代的AlkaSeltzer消食片一样,成为家庭药箱中的必需品。

    The investors are hoping the packets will become a staple of home medicine cabinets & much like alka seltzer in the 1940s .

  9. 2009年中国城市居民家庭药箱抽样调查结果分析与讨论

    Sampling Survey Results on Family Medicine-Chest of Chinese Citizens in 2009

  10. 偶有不适勿紧张,便民药箱等在旁。

    If sick , there is a medicine chest that is facilitating .

  11. 尽可能快地,他拿了一只药箱。

    As quickly as he could , he got a medicine box .

  12. 她拿起药箱冲出门去。

    She picked up her kit and dashed out of the door .

  13. 因此,如何将你希望你的体育急救药箱吗?

    So how would you want your sports first aid kit to be ?

  14. 一种新型家庭保健药箱的研制与使用

    Development and application of new household health care kit

  15. 装满药品、药水、药膏和绷带的药箱。

    A medicine chest stuffed with drugs , potions , ointments and bandages .

  16. 把海伦小姐的药箱拿进来。

    Get out there and get her medicine chest .

  17. 赵老师尽快取来了一只药箱。

    As quickly as he could , Miss Zhao got a medicine box .

  18. 切记要把急救药箱一直带在身边。

    Remember to keep first-aid medicine kit close at hand all the time .

  19. 你会在浴室里的药箱中找到一片阿司匹林的。

    You 'll find an aspirin in the medicine chest in the bathroom .

  20. 顾客:我想给我的叔叔准备一个家庭小药箱。咱们这里有吗?

    Potential customer : Yes , I need a medical kit for my uncle ?

  21. 对283户家庭小药箱的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on 283 Family Medicine Cabinets

  22. 你有小急救药箱吗?

    And have you a small first-aid kit ?

  23. 大部分家庭有一个急救药箱在他们的汽车,另一个在家里。

    Most families have a first aid kit in their car and another at home .

  24. 她药箱里有一大堆。

    All in her medicine cabinet .

  25. 应用模块化理论研制卫生列车救护中的清创换药箱

    Development of Medical Box for Debriding and Change Dressings in Sanitary Train with Application Module Theory

  26. 最后,一名美国海军的军医同他的护士带着他们的药箱乘一辆吉普车到达了该村。

    Finally , an American Navy doctor and nurse arrived in a jeep with only their medical kits .

  27. 他放下药箱,脱掉棉袄,开始拌起肥料来。

    Putting down his medicine-chest and stripping off his padded jacket , he started to mix the manure .

  28. 用这个周六来清理你的储药箱,丢弃你不需要或者过期的药丸,

    Use this Saturday to clean out your medicine cabinet to get rid of your unneeded or expired pills

  29. 从电话里听到这个消息后,她拿起药箱冲出门去。

    On hearing the news through the telephone she picked up her kit and dashed out of the door .

  30. 它是具有无限潜力的医药百宝箱。医生取出急救药箱,给那个老农民一些止痛药片。

    The doctor got out his first-aid kit and gave the old peasant some pills to stop his pain .