
  • 网络ASSOCIATE DEGREE;Associate's Degree;associated degree;Associate bachelor;Associate Bachelor Degree
  1. 最后,为保障新制度的顺利运行,论文从政府、学校和社会三个层面对副学士学位制度的运行环境进行了优化。

    At last , to make sure the effect of the Associate degree system , the paper improves the perform condition of the new system from three aspects-governments , schools and the society .

  2. 香港高等教育发展新策略&副学士学位课程计划

    New Development Strategy of Hong Kong Higher Education & Associate Degree Programs

  3. 对于持有副学士学位(associate’sdegree,完成社区大学、二年制专科学校课程后取得的学位,相当于四年制大学的首两年课程。——译注)的年轻人,就业率从经济衰退前的64%下降至衰退后的57%。

    For young people with an associate 's degree , the employment rate fell from 64 percent to 57 percent .

  4. 于岭南大学完成两年副学士学位课程,成绩满意。

    Satisfactory completion of a two-year associate degree programme at Lingnan university .

  5. 这所学校提供了一个两年的副学士学位文凭。

    It offers a two year associate degree .

  6. 副学士学位制度研究

    A Study on the Associate Degree System

  7. 每学期都有300名监狱犯人注册上课,他们取得大学学分,最终能拿到副学士学位。

    Three hundred inmates enroll every semester , earning college credits which can lead to an associate of arts degree .

  8. 因此,大多数持有副学士学位(只修满两年课程)的人和持有四年学士学位的人享有同样尊贵的待遇。

    As a result , most Associate degree holders are treated with the same deference as someone with a four-year degree .

  9. 塔尼奇被授予了数学及物理科学,自然科学,和语言学的副学士学位,家人们都为他鼓掌欢呼。

    They cheered for Tanishq as he was awarded associate degrees in math and physical sciences , general science , and language studies .

  10. 迄今,已经有100名圣昆廷监狱犯人获得了副学士学位。还有更多的人在获释后继续进大学学习。

    So far , 100 San Quentin prisoners have graduated with associate 's degrees and many more have continued their college studies after release .

  11. 学生既可以取得高中文凭,也将同时获得副学士学位,其中一些学生还可以踏上四年制学位之路。

    Students can earn both a high school diploma and an associate degree , and some are set on the path to a four-year degree .

  12. 这位女孩的爷爷一直在这所大学经济学专业攻读副学士学位,他希望这学期结束后可以顺利拿到学位。

    The teenager 's grandpa has been studying for an associate degree in economics at the college and expects to obtain his degree after this semester .

  13. 我们提供了一系列硕士,学士和副学士学位和文凭,并在艺术创作和应用认证课程。

    We offer a range of master 's , bachelor 's , and associate 's degrees and diploma and certificate programs in the creative and applied arts .

  14. 年内,评审局为数间自资专上教育课程主办机构及他们开办的高级文凭和副学士学位课程进行了院校评审和课程甄审。

    During the year , institutional reviews and programme validations were conducted for a number of self-financing post-secondary education programme providers and their higher diploma and associate degree programmes .

  15. 与许多国家的技术学校不同的是,这所学院授予学生的副学士学位能让他们找到工作,或者让他们到四年制学校继续深造。

    Unlike the technical institutes found in many countries , this school awards an associate 's degree that can get students a job or send them on to a four-year school .

  16. 一般而言,你的教育水平越低--不高于副学士学位或者是高等学校文凭--那么就越有可能失业。

    In general , you 're more likely to feel underemployed if you 've achieved a lower level of education - no higher than an associate 's degree , or high school diploma .

  17. 论文从介绍学位与学位制度的发展脉络入手,探讨至符合大众化发展主题的副学士学位制度。

    In the section of the origin and development of the Associate degree system , the paper has a concrete study on the Associate degree system in U.S. , using the case of Joliet Junior College .

  18. 副学士和学士学位,整年的班,录取,财政支持。

    Albuquerque campuses-associate and Bachelor degree programs , year-round classes , admissions , financial aid .