
fù yuàn zhǎnɡ
  • vice president
  1. 熊丙奇是北京21世纪教育研究院副院长。

    Xiong Bingqi is the vice President of the Beijing-based 21st Century Education Research Institute .

  2. 我谨对两院举办此次研讨会表示热烈祝贺,并对李静海副院长率团出席表示热烈欢迎。

    I also wish to extend my warm welcome to Vice President Li Jinghai and his delegation .

  3. 香港商学院副院长,国际认证专业培训师

    Hongkong commercial college subdecanal . Specialty division of international attestation .

  4. ——华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)副院长、实务教授约翰?科利(JohnColley)

    John Colley , associate dean and professor of practice , Warwick Business School

  5. 然而位于北京的21世纪教育研究院(21stCenturyEducationResearchInstitute)副院长熊丙奇表示,中国留学生数量下滑是全球研究生院(招生政策)趋势的结果。

    However , Xiong Bingqi , vice-president of the 21st Century Education Research Institute in Beijing , said the decline was the result of global graduate school trends .

  6. 在来牛津大学以前,他曾在哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)担任负责规划和大学事务的高级副院长,而且当时他也在执行这样一项计划。

    Before moving to Oxford , he was senior associate dean for planning and university affairs at Harvard Business School and worked on just such a plan .

  7. 这只是开局的起点,上海高级金融学院(ShanghaiAdvancedInstituteofFinance)副院长朱宁表示。

    It is just the beginning of the beginning , said Zhu Ning , deputy director of the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance , a business school .

  8. 多少利益流到了国外?FDI给中国经济安全带来隐患的思考访北京大学光华管理学院副院长、EMBA中心主任武常歧教授

    How much interest flew abroad ? Hidden danger of China 's economic safety caused by FDI

  9. 墨尔本商学院(MelbourneBusinessSchool)负责高管教育的副院长盖伊•桑德斯(GuySaunders)表示,在亚洲,对证书的需求非常重要。

    Demand for certification is very important in Asia , says Guy Saunders , associate dean for executive education at Melbourne Business School in Australia .

  10. 作为一名职业经济学学者,他在担任密歇根大学商学院副院长以及弗吉尼亚大学(UniversityofVirginia)商学院院长期间,渐渐树立起了自己的声名。

    An academic economist by trade , he built his reputation through successful stints as a deputy dean at the University of Michigan and dean at the University of Virginia .

  11. 斯坦福大学商学院(stanfordgraduateschoolofbusiness)发展副院长戴维肯尼迪(davidkennedy)表示,在科技泡沫破裂后,一些捐赠者没有履行捐款承诺。

    David Kennedy , Associate Dean for development at the Stanford Graduate School of business , says that after the technology bubble burst , some donors revoked pledges and rescinded gifts .

  12. 美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(WhartonSchooloftheUniversityofPennsylvania)负责EMBA项目的副院长佩吉•毕晓普•莱恩(PeggyBishopLane)说,雇主和雇员对补贴的看法全都发生了改变。

    Both employers and employees have shifted their thinking about funding , says Peggy Bishop Lane , vice-dean of the EMBA at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania .

  13. DomCabral副院长安东尼奥•巴蒂斯塔•达席尔瓦(AntonioBatistadaSilva)表示:我们在巴西与500强企业合作。

    We work with the 500 biggest companies in Brazil , says Antonio Batista da Silva , associate dean at Dom Cabral .

  14. 卡茨研究生院高级副院长劳里•基尔希(LaurieKirsch)说,做项目不是为了赚钱盈利。

    Laurie Kirsch , the senior associate dean at Katz , says it isn 't about turning a profit .

  15. 北京大学国际关系学院(SchoolofInternationalStudiesatPekingUniversity)副院长贾庆国表示,美国的声明只指责中国,显示出“偏袒”,“因为南海问题不仅涉及中国,还有其它方面”。

    Jia Qingguo , deputy dean of the School of International Studies at Peking University , said the US statement showed " partiality " by blaming only China " since the South China Sea issue involves not only China but also other parties . "

  16. 约翰逊商学院主管国际和企业关系的副院长兰迪艾伦(RandyAllen)说:他们找工作得多费点劲。

    They have to work a bit harder to find jobs , says Randy Allen , associate dean for international and corporate relations at Johnson .

  17. 马达夫•拉詹(MadhavRajan)是加州斯坦福大学商学院(StanfordGraduateSchoolofBusiness)负责教务的高级副院长。该校毗邻尖端技术公司云集的硅谷中心帕洛阿尔托。

    Madhav Rajan is senior associate dean for academic affairs at California 's Stanford Graduate School of Business , close to Palo Alto , the focal point of Silicon Valley - home to cutting-edge technology companies .

  18. 该校体育经济与管理学院副院长崔高原向《澎湃新闻》介绍,学校推出这款APP是为了督促大学生多加锻炼,形成一个良好的习惯。

    Cui Gaoyuan , director dean of sports economics and management school , told the Paper , the university launched the app in order to encourage students to exercise more and form a good habit .

  19. 除了将捐款用于一些有价值的前途无量的研究以外,纽约大学教授卡拉布里亚,和印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)礼来家族慈善学院(LillyFamilySchoolofPhilanthropy)学术事务与研究副院长帕特里克•鲁尼均提出,ALS协会可以用“冰桶挑战”

    Aside from spending the money on promising , worthwhile research , both Calabrese from NYU and Patrick Rooney , associate dean for academic affairs and research at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy ,

  20. 本文作者分别是中欧国际工商学院(CEIBS)副院长兼教务长、前研究助理和客座研究员

    The writers are , respectively , dean and vice-president , a former research assistant , and a visiting researcher at Ceibs

  21. 西班牙商学院iese副院长埃里克韦伯(ericweber)表示,从公开培训转向定制培训是一个渐进的过程。

    The move from open enrolment to customised was a gradual process , says Eric Weber , Associate Dean at IESE , the Spanish business school .

  22. 新加坡的李光耀公共政策学院(LeeKuanYewSchoolofPublicPolicy)的副院长Mahbubani先生说在西方,“亚洲得到的建议一概被置之不理”。

    Mr Mahbubani , now dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore , says " every piece of advice that the Asians received has been ignored " in the West .

  23. 学校成了事实上的共同签署人。布斯商学院负责全日制MBA课程的副院长斯泰西科尔(StaceyKole)表示。

    Schools become the de facto co-signer , says Stacey Kole , deputy dean for the full-time MBA programme at Booth .

  24. 在临近芝加哥的西北大学凯洛格商学院,副院长贝齐•齐格勒(BetsyZiegler)认为,招聘人员会把MiM当作一个有力的加分项。

    At the Kellogg school at Northwestern University near Chicago , associate dean Betsy Ziegler believes the MiM presents a compelling proposition for recruiters .

  25. 中国优生科学学会副院长ZhengXiaoying说:“婴儿的营养需要明显地受到影响,所以他们变得更脆弱。”

    Zheng Xiaoying , Deputy President of China Healthy Birth Science Assoc. , said ," Babies'nutritional needs obviously suffer , so they are more vulnerable . "

  26. “这是一个让中国人自豪的典型标志”,中国人民大学国际研究院的副院长金XX表示。

    " This is a very symbolic deal that made Chinese people proud of themselves ," said Jin Canrong , the associate dean of the School of International Studies at People 's University .

  27. 哈佛商学院负责学术事务的副院长卡尔科斯特(carlkester)形容,校园里的气氛“紧张”而“忧虑”。

    Carl Kester , Deputy Dean for academic affairs at Harvard Business School , described the atmosphere on campus as " nervous " and " apprehensive " .

  28. 加拿大西安大略大学(WesternUniversity)艾维商学院(IveyBusinessSchool)负责课程的副院长马克范登博施(MarkVandenbosch)称,市场上各种学位很多,可能意味着MiM毕业生要与商务课程的本科生竞争工作。

    Mark Vandenbosch , associate dean for programmes at Canada 's Ivey Business School at Western University , says the plethora of degrees on the market may mean MiM graduates find themselves competing for jobs with those from undergraduate business programmes .

  29. 香港科技大学商学院(HKUSTBusinessSchool)分管硕士课程的副院长肖恩•弗格森(SeanFerguson)同样认为香港学生视野更开阔,但他表示香港科大也在采取行动,招收那些愿意发言贡献观点的内地中国学生。

    Sean Ferguson , associate dean of masters programmes at HKUST Business School , also thinks Hong Kong students have a broader view , but says HKUST has made efforts to recruit mainland Chinese students who will not be reticent about contributing .

  30. 巴塞罗那iese商学院(iesebusinessschool)副院长埃里克韦伯(ericweber)称,尽管过去企业往往认为定制课程的性价比高于开放式招生课程,但这可能是一种谬误。

    While in the past corporations have often seen customised programmes as being better value for money than open enrolment ones , this can be a fallacy , says Eric Weber , Associate Dean at IESE business school in Barcelona .