
  • 网络BREEAM-BRE Environmental Assessment Method
  1. 生态导向下环境评估方法在北欧城镇建设中的应用初探

    Research on the application of ecology-oriented environmetal assessment methods in the Nordic town construction

  2. 工业产品生命周期环境成本评估方法初探

    Preliminary Approach on Life Cycle Environmental Cost Appraisal of Industrial Product

  3. 海防战术导弹天地环境因子评估方法研究

    Estimating method of environmental factor for coastal defense missile

  4. 化工厂环境风险评估方法探讨

    On the Environmental Risk Evaluation Method of Chemical Plant

  5. 浙江省生态建设环境绩效评估方法初步研究

    Environmental performance assessment of ecology construction in Zhejiang Province

  6. 湿地泥沙环境动态评估方法及其应用研究&(Ⅰ)理论

    Dynamic environmental assessment for wetland sediments & (ⅰ) Theory

  7. 泥沙灾害和泥沙环境快速评估方法研究

    Rapid assessment method for sediment-related environments and disasters

  8. 环境价值评估方法综述

    Review on the Appraisal Methods of Environmental Value

  9. 改变城市下垫面类型及控制道路尘环境效益评估方法

    Environmental benefit assessing methods of changing urban ground surface types and controlling road dust loading

  10. 江苏省企业环境绩效评估方法及指标体系研究

    Study on the Appraisal Procedure and Indicator System of Environmental Performance of Enterprises in Jiangsu

  11. 基于支持向量机的环境质量评估方法

    Environmental quality evalution based on SVM

  12. 以南通市为例,探索宏观层面的城市人居环境生态评估方法。

    Taking Nantong as the example , the paper discussed the ecological evaluation method of urban human settlements environment on the macro-scale level .

  13. 在环境代价评估方法的选择上,基于市场评估的方法应首先考虑,但方法的选择还受评估信息的可获得性、经费、时间等条件的约束。

    For means of environmental cost assessment , market assessment is first , at the same time , obtaining assessment information , capital and time are main factor .

  14. 通过实例应用研究和比较分析,表明本文提出的环境模糊评估方法比常规的线性加权法更为合理优越。

    By means of the case study and comparative analysis , it showed that the fuzzy evaluation method proposed was more reasonable and advantageous than the conventional Linear Weighted Sum method .

  15. 对目前国内外的环境价值评估方法进行了综述,并提出了一套适合我国国情的价值评估方法。

    The appraisal methods of environmental value in the world have been reviewed , and a set of environmental value appraisal method system which adapted to the situation of China has been put forword in the paper .

  16. 初步建立了环境经济损失评估方法体系。

    In result , the preliminary system of approach for AELCED is established .

  17. 水资源配置中环境资源价值评估方法及应用

    Evaluation Method of Environment Resources Value and Its Application in Water Resources Distribution

  18. 环境经济损失评估方法体系研究

    Study on the System of Approach to Assessing Economic Loss Caused by Environmental Destruction

  19. 最后对本研究进行了一定的结果分析和尝试建立统一的环境污染损失评估方法的进一步展望。

    Finally , I made a summary of this research and triedcoming up with a unified loss estimating method of pollution .

  20. 因此,可以这样合理地预计,会有许多同样有效的关于种植转基因作物环境影响的评估方法出现。

    Thus it is reasonable to anticipate that many equally valid scientific assessments of the environmental impacts of cultivating GM crops will emerge .

  21. 最后为了实现基于元模型的城市环境污染建模评估方法,实现系统的可复用性,提出了空气污染各影响因子的元模型。

    Lastly , to carry out evaluation way of urban environmental pollution model building based on Meta-model , achieve reusability of system , we propound Meta-models of every pollution affect factors .

  22. 此套病历注重对患者日常生活能力、家庭资源、居住环境评估,记录方法简单易行,体现了社区护理工作的独立性和科学性。

    This set of records attaches importance to the assessment of the patients ' daily life skills , family resources , and living environment . It is easy to use and gives expression to the independent and scientific nature of community nursing .

  23. 本文对ASIP设计环境中可靠性的评估方法进行了深入的研究,主要的工作和贡献如下:(1)研究了可靠性评估机制,提出了一套适用于ASIP设计环境的可靠性评估方法。

    This dissertation takes deep research on reliability evaluation method of storage unit in ASIP . The main work and contribution are : ( 1 ) Make research on reliability evaluation method , and present a novel method that is suitable to ASIP design environment .

  24. 生态设计策略映射到环境评估指标的设计方法

    Design method of mapping ECO-design strategies to indices of environmental assessment

  25. 南极长城站地区环境影响评估理论与方法初探

    Primary theory and method on environmental impact assessment in Great Wall Station area , antarctica

  26. 综合自然环境仿真系统的评估方法研究

    A Method for Evaluating Synthetic Natural Environment

  27. 第三,将建立的海域环境容量价值评估的方法体系应用于厦门西海域和同安湾的案例研究。

    Thirdly , apply the built evaluation method of marine environmental capacity to Xiamen West Sea and Tong'an Bay case study .

  28. 应用环境负荷评估理论和方法,对焊条的焊芯及部分添加材料&大理石粉、云母片、长石粉和萤石粉进行了环境负荷评估。

    This paper applies the theory and method of environmental load to assess the welding core , marble , mica , feldspar , and fluorite .

  29. 采用自行研制的一套环境性能综合评估试验方法对钢筋混凝土试样成功地进行了冻融循环与除冰盐腐蚀协同作用(简称盐冻循环)、钢筋锈蚀与弯曲荷载协同作用下的失效试验。

    The damage experiments of reinforced concrete samples under synergistic effects of cyclic freeze thaw , deicing salt attack , rebar corrosion and bending load were investigated using a comprehensive experimental method .

  30. 分析了两种环境影响定量化评估方法:分值评价与终值评价,分值评价是一种中间值评价方法,终值评价是一种终点值评价方法;

    Two methods of lifecycle environmental impact assessment , middle-point assessment and end-point assessment , are analyzed . The Eco-Indicator '99 method , known as a damage oriented method for life cycle impact assessment , is adopted as the end-point method .