
  • 网络ring spinning;ring spun
  1. 用相同粗纱采用传统环锭纺和Elite紧密纺纺制CJ14.5tex纱,对两种纱线进行了性能测试对比。

    Spinning CJ 14.5 tex yarn with same roving using traditional ring spinning and Elite compact spinning , property test of these two yarns is compared .

  2. 通过在传统环锭纺细纱机上加装纺纱附件,研制出一种生产低扭矩纱(扭妥TM纱)的新型纺纱方法。

    Put a attachment on conventional ring spinning frame , a lower torsion moment yarn ( Nu-Torque TM yarn ) was produced by this new spinning method .

  3. NET框架软件开发等方面开展具体工作。环锭纺气圈动态方程的理论研究

    Net frame . The theoretical research on ring spring frame balloon development equation

  4. 本研究采用改进的环锭纺细纱机,纱芯使用PVA短纤纺制的细纱,外面包覆棉纤维。

    A PVA yarn is used as the core and cotton fibers form the sheath .

  5. 经简单的设备改进,可在环锭纺细纱机上生产形成空心纱所需的包覆效果良好的ZZ和SZ包芯纱。

    Through simple modifying ASS 11 ring spinning frame , a cotton / PVA core-spun yarns with " ZZ ", " SZ " direction of twist can be made and the sheath fiber hide the core completely .

  6. 本文研究在传统环锭纺细纱机上,生产全棉/氨纶包芯纱18.2×7.8tex(32×70D)的工艺流程,原料选配,生产中易出现的纱疵及处理的技术措施。

    This article researches the technological process in producing the coverspun yarn of cotton / polyurethane 18.2tex × 7.8tex ( 32s × 70D ), the selection of the raw material , yarn faults appearing easily in producing and the technical measures of treatment on the traditional ring frame .

  7. 环锭纺单纱捻度试验影响因素分析

    Analyses on Influence Factors of Ring Spinning Single Yarn Twist Test

  8. 对环锭纺后道工序产生纱疵的分析与控制

    Analyses and Controling the Yarn Faults of the Last Ring Spinning Process

  9. 环锭纺气圈稳定性理论与气圈环控制

    On the balloon stability and the balloon control ring in ring spinning

  10. 喷气纺和环锭纺纱布机械性能的分析比较

    A Study on Mechanical Properties of Jet-Spun and Ring-Spun Yarns and Fabrics

  11. 环锭纺竹节纱的工艺探讨

    Technology discussion of spinning stub yarn on ring spinning frame

  12. 用棉纺环锭纺设备开发牦牛绒纱线的工艺探讨

    Technological discussion on development of yak cashmere yarn on cotton ring spinning frame

  13. 环锭纺胶辊胶圈的择优配置

    Optimized Collocation of Cots and Aprons for Ring-spin Process

  14. 环锭纺梳理技术的发展与应用

    Development and Application of Carding Technique for Ring Spinning

  15. 紧密纺普梳纱与传统环锭纺精梳纱的性能分析

    Property Analyses of Compact Spinning Carding Yarn and Traditional Ring Spinning Combed Yarn

  16. 紧密纺是在传统的环锭纺基础上进行突破性改进而成的一种新型纺纱技术,可用于不同原料的纺纱加工。

    Compact spinning is a new spinning technology based on traditional ring spinning .

  17. 环锭纺气圈纱线张力的计算方法

    Calculation of the balloon yarn tension in ring spinning

  18. 转杯纺和环锭纺棉氨包芯纱的性能对比

    Performance comparison of cotton / polyurethane rotor-spun core yarn

  19. 上罗拉皮圈对环锭纺的影响

    Influence of Top Roller Covers on Ring Spinning

  20. 环锭纺捻陷现象的研究及捻度损失的计算

    A Study and Calculation of the Loss of Yarn 's Twist in Ring Spinning

  21. 空气阻力所形成的环锭纺气圈空间曲线近似解

    Approximate Solution of Spatial Balloon Curve Caused by Air Drag in Ring Spinning Process

  22. 基于环锭纺的新型毛精纺技术

    New Worsted Technologies Based on Ring Spinning

  23. RingCan&直接使用条子纺纱的环锭纺

    RingCan ── Ring Spinning Directly from Sliver

  24. 三弹性支承环锭纺细纱锭子的研究&第一部分:结构及原理

    Research on TRI-FLEXIBLE supporting textile spindle for ring spinning part 1 : construction and principle

  25. 环锭纺气圈的形态和张力

    Configuration and tension of the Spinning Balloon

  26. 环锭纺和环锭捻线机钢领

    Rings for ring-spinning and ring-doubling frames

  27. 环锭纺加捻三角区纤维转移机理及其运动规律分析

    Migration mechanism of fibers and their movement analysis in the twisting triangular space of ring spinning

  28. 环锭纺高速锭子

    High Speed Spindle for Ring Spinning

  29. 起锚将锚提升至(锚架)环锭纺和环锭捻线机钢领

    To hoist an anchor to ( the cathead ) . Rings for ring-spinning and ring-doubling frames

  30. 环锭纺制备芯鞘型短纤/长丝复合纱的成纱机理与工艺

    The study about spinning principle and process technology of core-sheath compound yarns in the ring spinning