
  1. 论《红楼梦》的潜意识描写

    On Subconscious Depiction in the Novel Dream of the Red Chamber

  2. 论《红楼梦》阅读中的心理偏移

    Talking about Psychological Deviation in Reading the Dream of Red Mansions

  3. 论《红楼梦》的情节主线

    On the Plot Mainline of A Dream of Red Mansions

  4. 论《红楼梦》中风意象的叙事功能

    On the Narrative Function of Wind in A Dream of Red Mansions

  5. 论《红楼梦》的诗美体式

    On the Style of Poetry Beauty of A Dream of Red Mansion

  6. 论《红楼梦》的艺术表现

    On the Artistic Expression of Dream of the Red Chamber

  7. 论《红楼梦》的神话意识表现

    On the Manifestation of Mythological Consciousness in A Dream of Red Mansions

  8. 论《红楼梦》十二金钗的入选与序次

    The Selection and Order of Twelve Women in A Dream of Red Mansions

  9. 石破梦惊&论《红楼梦》的结构原理

    On the Structure Principle of Dream of Red Mansions

  10. 论《红楼梦》夸张的作用及特色

    On the Role and Features of Hyperbole in Dream of the Red Chamber

  11. 论《红楼梦》中的戏曲艺术

    Study on the Drama Art of the Narration Thought of The Red Chamber Dream

  12. 论《红楼梦》人物的绰号艺术

    PERSONAGE Comments on the Nicknames of the Characters in A Dream of Red Mansions

  13. 论《红楼梦》中的神话描写

    Talk about the Myth Depiction Red Chamber Dream

  14. 论《红楼梦》的女性视角

    Feminine Perspective of A Dream of Red Mansion

  15. 论《红楼梦》中的道教思想

    On Taoism in A Dream of Red Mansions

  16. 简论《红楼梦》中寿辰文化

    Brief Comments on the Birthday Culture of the Elderly in A Dream of Red Mansions

  17. 论《红楼梦》公案描写的价值

    On the Values of the Delineation of the Legal Cases in Dreams in the Red Mansions

  18. 从性别视角论《红楼梦》女性文化的痴情生命境界

    Spoony Compass of Female Culture in A Dream of Red Mansions from the Viewpoint of Gender

  19. 论《红楼梦评论》的小说批评特征

    On the Features of the Novel Criticism in Comments on the Dreams of the Red Mansion

  20. 日常生活的悲剧与解救&论《红楼梦》的悲剧主题

    A Tragedy of Everyday Life and Its Resolution : he Tragic Topic of A Dream of Red Mansions

  21. 叩问生命:悲悯与拯救&论《红楼梦》的美育精神

    Inquiring after Life : Pity and Rescue & On the Aesthetic Education Spirit of A Dream of Red Mansions

  22. 冲突与对峙中的并驾齐驱&论《红楼梦》中的儒道关系

    A Discussion of Simultaneous Development of Confucianism and Taoism in Conflict and Confrontation in A Dream of Red Mansions

  23. 日常生活的真实女性&论《红楼梦》女性才德的日常化

    " Real Women " in Everyday Life & On Routinization of Women 's Talents and Virtues in Dream of Red Mansions

  24. 论《红楼梦》与《儿女英雄传》的异同

    On the Similarities and Differences between " A Dream of Red Mansions " and " Sons and Daughters of Heroes "

  25. 论《红楼梦》对才子佳人小说的借鉴与超越

    Research on the Relationship of Borrowing and Innovation between a Dream in Red Mansions and the Stories of Talented Scholars and Beauties

  26. 审美性与体贴&论《红楼梦》的女性文化意涵实际上她是世上最温柔、最甜、最体贴的女了。

    Aestheticism and Comparison : the Attitude of the Female Gender in Dream of the Red Chamber In the fund she is the softest , sweetest , gentlest lady breathing .

  27. 论《红楼梦》英译本中比喻句的翻译&杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇英译《红楼梦》译例分析

    On the Translation of Simile and Metaphor Sentences in the Version of " Dream of the Red Chamber " & Examples in Yang Xian-yi and Dai Nai-die 's Version of " Dream of the Red Chamber "

  28. 论霍克斯《红楼梦》英译本中人际意义的再现问题

    On Reproduction of Interpersonal Meanings in English Version of The Story of the Stone

  29. 从目的论看《红楼梦》中俗语的翻译

    The Translation of the Sayings in Hong Lou Meng in the Light of the Skopos Theory

  30. 基于面子论的《红楼梦》中王熙凤的话语分析

    An Analysis of Wang Xifeng 's Utterances in a Dream of Red Mansions from the Perspective of Face Theory