
  • 网络Paper Format;apa
  1. 重点研究论文格式也要求学生有一寸左右两侧的四。

    The MLA research paper format also requires that students have one inch margins around the four sides .

  2. 研究论文格式基本上指出,学生应该总是有一个封面页的文件。

    The MLA research paper format basically states that students should always have a cover page with their documents .

  3. 论文格式需符合mla标准。

    Essays must conform to MLA standards .

  4. 有许多相似之处,重点研究的论文格式和格式。

    There are many similarities between MLA research paper formats and APA formats .

  5. 馆藏建设是档案馆功能建设和功能发挥的经济管理学论文格式核心问题。

    The archives storage construction is a key question for its function construction and exertion .

  6. 一定要一板一眼以论文格式写出来。

    Write in essay form .

  7. 每个项目,你和你的拍挡必须准备一份正式的以学术论文格式书写的报告。

    For each project you and your partner must prepare a formal report that is structured as a scientific paper .

  8. 研究论文格式风格,学习者将使用他或她完成了他或她的任务。

    The MLA research paper format is the style that a learner will have to use as he or she completes his or her assignment .

  9. 压痕每一段的开头是五个空格,或相当于标签的关键,在重点研究的论文格式。

    The indentation at the beginning of each paragraph should be five spaces , or the equivalent of the TABS key , in MLA research paper formats .

  10. 重点研究论文格式是最流行的款式,它是使用最广泛的各级和所有部门学术研究。

    The MLA research paper format is the most popular style , as it is most widely used in all levels of study and by all academic departments .

  11. 此外,重点研究的论文格式要求学生把自己的姓,其次是页面在每一页的顶部的报告,除封面页。

    Also , MLA research paper formats require that students put their last name followed by the page number at the top of each page of the report , except the cover page .

  12. 医学专业英语论文撰写格式

    The Writing of Medical Professional Papers in English

  13. 本科生和硕士生毕业论文书写格式较为严格,且不同的学校,不同的学科类别,甚至不同的课题组对学位论文的撰写格式都有自己的要求。

    There are usually strict requirement placed on the graduate and undergraduate thesis writing formats , which , in addition , vary with the college , discipline and even the research group .

  14. Sun研究小组发表了一篇论文(pdf格式)更加详尽地论述了Garbage-First并深入分析了如何实现这些目标,尤其是实时目标。

    Sun Research have published a paper ( pdf document ) which provides more details on Garbage-First and provides some information on how these objectives , in particular the real-time goal , are achieved .

  15. 从编辑的角度谈学术论文的写作格式与规范

    On Research Paper 's Writing Form and Standard from Editor 's View

  16. 体育学术论文的写作格式及规范

    The Writing Pattern And Normality of P. E. Academic Thesis

  17. 科技期刊论文常用图表格式修改实效分析&以《北方果树》为例,探讨文章图表格式修改问题

    Example effects of figure and table modification for Northern Fruit journal Magazine

  18. 医学论文英文摘要格式及其写作问题

    Analyses of formats and writing of structural abstracts from original English medical articles

  19. 科技论文的撰写格式及要求

    Format and Requirements for Writing Scientific and Technological Paper

  20. 科技论文的撰写格式

    Writing Form of Scientific & Technological Thesis

  21. 从字词、句子和文章风格三方面论证“忠”的英语论文的标准格式原则在翻译中的重要性。

    The essay discusses the importance of " loyalty " in translation from three aspects : words , sentences and style .

  22. 论文为不同格式的数据源提供了一个统一的概念模型,并定义了各种信息源到概念模型的转换规则。

    This paper provides a conceptual model for different format data sources , defines a set of rules from information source to conceptual model .

  23. 形态视知觉心理是沟通消费者与产品设计师桥梁,论文采纳了格式塔心理学原理,运用形态视知觉心理归纳、总结了家电产品造型设计的几种方法。

    Form vision and feeling psychology is the bridge which connects products designer to consumers . The paper accepts the theory of Gestalt Psychology and sums up several methods used to design electric products used in house .

  24. 科学论文基金项目著录格式的探讨

    Research on Pattern of Arrangement of Fund Projects of the Scientific Thesis

  25. 论文主要内容包括格式构造、理论分析和数值实验。

    The dissertation includes the scheme construction , theoretical analysis and numerical experiments .

  26. 研究生同样应该鼓励生产的“论文”的替代格式。

    Graduate students should likewise be encouraged to produce " theses " in alternative formats .

  27. 为了促进科学论文基金项目著录格式的规范化,对科学论文基金项目常见著录格式的缺陷和不足进行了分析,并提出科学论文基金项目著录格式的新标准。

    In order to strengthen the standardization of arrangement of fund based projects of the scientific thesis , the shortcomings of the common patterns are analyzed , and the new standard is suggested .

  28. 本论文对多种视频格式转换算法进行了分析比较,在此基础上,基于运动补偿分别提出了去隔行和帧率提升算法。

    In this paper , the various existing algorithms of video format conversion are analyzed . Based on motion compensation technology ; a new de-interlacing algorithm and a new frame rate up conversion algorithm are proposed separately . Firstly , with regard to motion estimation , traditional algorithms are discussed .

  29. 阐述高校毕业生论文的选题方法,写作方法和论文格式,着重阐明文献检索在论文写作中的重要性,最后介绍如何进行论文答辩。

    This paper has expounded topic selection methods , writing methods and formats of University Graduate thesis , especially the importance of bibliographic retrieval in thesis writing . finally , the paper has introduced ways to defend the thesis .

  30. 在医学论文中,常存在一些并非谬误,但影响语言的精确性,或不符合汉语规范化表达和医学论文书写格式的不适当的语言现象。

    In the linguistic expression of medical papers , there are often some defects , which are not significantly mistaken , but they affect the accuracy of language , or do not fit in with the rules of Chinese language and the rules of medical thesis .