
  1. 觉得自己和角色像吗?

    Do you think you are like your character ?

  2. 没有其他哪个角色像他一样做过他所做的。

    No other character has done this .

  3. 过去20年中,企业里很少有哪个高管的角色像首席信息官一样活跃。

    Few key roles in a company are as dynamic as the CIO has been over the past 20 years .

  4. 这些工作流的角色像是一个服务层,即使是来自不同源的工作流,也可以向他们发送消息。

    These workers will act as a service layer , allowing for messages to be sent to them even from workers loaded from a different origin .

  5. 老师的角色更像是一个教练或是观察者。

    The teacher 's role is more of a coach or observer .

  6. 1870年,狄更斯去世,全世界都为他哀悼,认为他是第一位受人爱戴的著名职业作家兼出版商;他在小说出版界和读者中引起了轰动,他的人物角色,像奥利弗·特维斯特、小蒂姆,被视为道德的试金石。

    In 1870 , when Dickens died , the world mourned him as its first professional writer and publisher , famous and beloved , who had led an explosion in both the publication of novels and their readership and whose characters — from Oliver Twist to Tiny Tim — were held up as moral touchstones .

  7. 她和剧里Caroline这个角色很像。

    She is like Caroline on the show .

  8. 我喜欢的角色是像超人或者蜘蛛侠一样的英雄。

    And the characters I like are heroes like Superman or Batman .

  9. 人物角色必须像其他模型一样,基于真实世界的观察。

    Personas , like any models , must be based on real-world observation .

  10. 在家庭生活中,他们重归各自的婚姻角色,像普通夫妇一样交谈。

    At home , they step back into their marital roles and have their usual husband-and-wife conversations .

  11. 百事公司表示,这种做法提高了效率,而经理人的角色更像是在自我激励的团队中充当教练。

    That promotes efficiency , PepsiCo says , while letting managers function more as coaches of self-motivating teams .

  12. 尽管他选用了很好的演员,但这些角色感觉像是临时借来的,最终沦为乏味的陪衬,因为有太多台词和细节是为他后来成为伟人做铺垫,而不是为了讲述这段恋情。

    His characters feel on loan and , despite his actors , eventually make for dull company because too many lines and details serve the great-man-to-be story rather than the romance .

  13. 排名第五的是爱玛·沃特森,收入主要来源是她在电影中出演知名度较高的一些角色,像是《美女和野兽》(此片她的到了2百万英镑的收入)和哈利波特系列电影。

    In fifth place is Emma Watson , whose net worth comes from a combination of high-profile acting roles in films like Beauty and the Beast ( for which she received a £

  14. 山田隆持表示,“我们运营商希望尽一切所能,避免成为单纯的传输管道”,沦落到维护网络、传输流量的角色,像输送自来水一样。

    Mr Yamada at DoCoMo says that " we carriers want to do whatever we can to avoid becoming simply dumb pipes " relegated to maintaining the network and moving traffic like so much tap water .

  15. 经济上的分权与政治上的晋升激励构成了地方政府发展经济的内在动力,使得地方政府扮演的角色更像是一个企业的经营者而不是公共服务的提供者。

    Economic decentralization and political promotion incentive constitute the intrinsic motivation of economic development of local government , making the role of local government is more like a business operator instead of the provider of public services .

  16. 无论我感兴趣什么类型的工作角色,像加里阿尔伯特那样的,或者萨米李,抑或者拉法贝尼特斯,我还不知道,我只想要获得所有的资格证,然后我们拭目以待。

    Whether I 'll be interested in the Gary Ablett type role , the Sammy Lee role or the Rafa Benitez role , I don 't know . I just want to get all my badges and then we 'll see .

  17. 电影对林登·约翰逊的描绘,比他实际扮演的角色更像是一个绊脚石,我明白这样做在戏剧上对电影有怎样的帮助,我也尊重杜威内明确表达过的,免得像是落入“白人救世主”套路的愿望。

    I can see what the movie gained dramatically by making the president more of a stumbling block to the movement than he actually was , and I respect DuVernay 's professed desire to avoid anything resembling the " white savior " clich é .

  18. 随着民营企业在我国的社会经济生活中扮演越来越重要的角色,像广东、浙江等地区民营企业对国民经济的贡献已高达70%以上。

    With the economic boom in China , private owned enterprise plays more and more important roles in social economy and daily life nowadays , especially in Guangdong and Zhejiang province & it contributes up to 70 % for the GDP growth in these two provinces .

  19. 而近些年,联合国秘书长扮演的角色越发得像世界首席外交官;一些人甚至视其为世俗的教宗。

    Yet in recent years the role of the world 's chief diplomat has grown ; some even regard the secretary-general as a secular pope .

  20. 然而小托马斯归阵后所扮演的角色或许不会像在波士顿时那么明确。

    What Thomas 's role will be in Cleveland when he does return , however , may not be as clear as it was in Boston .

  21. 1984至1994年间的41部剧集里,杰里米·布雷特完全活在了角色里,像巴希尔·拉斯伯恩一样,终生受到这个角色的影响。

    In 41 episodes between 1984 and 1994 , Jeremy Brett lived the part completely and , like Basil Rathbone , would forever be linked with him .

  22. 关于性格暴躁的阿泰能否接受一个次要进攻者的角色,能否像阿里扎那样融合到湖人队中的问题,这个关系到湖人命运的问题很可能得花一段时间观察了。

    Whether the volatile Artest is able to accept a lesser offensive role and fit in as well as Ariza will likely go a long way in determining the Lakers collective fate .

  23. Wooga的办公场所是一处通风的开放式办公区,高高的窗户,木地板,还布置了一些游戏中角色的纸板像。数十名不同国籍的员工在屏幕前工作,或者围坐沙发上开会。

    At Wooga 's offices , an airy open-plan space with high windows , wooden floors and cardboard cutouts of games characters , staff from dozens of different nat ­ ionalities work at screens or gather on sofas for meetings .

  24. 当角色唤醒之后,像前面提到的一样,它在mailbox中查找任何Calculation。

    When the actor wakes up , as previously mentioned , it checks the mailbox for any Calculations .

  25. 在你众多的电视剧中,你觉得哪个角色跟你最像?

    In all your various dramas , which character did you think is most similar to you ?

  26. 夏洛克·福尔摩斯这个角色和我很像,我俩在性格上有很多共通之处。

    I felt a kinship with the character of Sherlock Holmes , and I have a lot of characteristics in common with him .

  27. 当然这些很大程度上并非黄小仙这个角色的功劳,像她这样的女青年孩失恋的故事已毫无新意。

    Of course , most of those don 't come from the character of Huang , whose story of a youngwoman falling out of love is nothing new .

  28. 但弗雷德曼是个陈旧落伍的角色,他无法像艾伦一样,用现代科学的眼光看待密码学。

    Friedman was an older and more old-fashioned figure : a code and cipher fanatic , rather than someone who had looked at cryptology through the eyes of modern science as Alan had .

  29. 这名演员已经从某种程度上成为了漫画书里的詹姆斯邦德了,但他已经15年扮演了相同的角色,这听起来像是在走下坡路。

    The actor has become a comic book James Bond of sorts , but now that he 's played the same character for 15 years , it sounds like he 's ready to step down .

  30. 劳博士说,事实上,《傲慢与偏见》首次以匿名的形式出版不久,外界一度认为作者是弗朗西斯,因为达西先生这个角色长得非常像她的丈夫。

    In fact , shortly after Pride and Prejudice first appeared anonymously , Dr Law says it was believed that Frances was the author , as the character of Mr Darcy fit her husband 's profile so closely .