
  • 网络Analysis of cash flow statement;cash flow analysis
  1. 在日益尊崇“现金至尊”的现代理财环境中,现金流量表分析对信息使用者来说显得尤为重要。

    Respected in the increasingly " cash is king " modern financial environment , cash flow analysis of the information is particularly important for the user .

  2. 现金流量表分析对企业管理非常重要。

    It is important for enterprises to analyze cash flow statements .

  3. 对现金流量表分析若干问题的研究

    Study on Some Problems about Analysing the Statement of Cash Folw

  4. 我国酒店类旅游上市公司现金流量表分析

    Study on the Tables of Flow of Hotel Listed Companies in China

  5. 会计收益质量的识别&现金流量表分析

    Identification of Accounting Earnings Quality & The Analysis of Cash Flow Statements

  6. 新时期现金流量表分析系统的思考

    On analysis system of cash current chart in new period

  7. 试论现金流量表分析指标体系的构建

    A Study on Forming Analysis Target System of The Statement of Cash Flow

  8. 现金流量表分析方法探析

    Discussion of the Analysis Methods of Cash Flow Charts

  9. 如何在企业管理中运用现金流量表分析的探讨

    Probe into the Application of the Cash Flow Statements Analysis in the Enterprise Management

  10. 通过对新疆制药厂易地改扩建项目的现金流量表分析,累计净现金流量21511.52万元,项目可行。

    By cash flow statement analyzing , the gross net cash flow is 215 . 11 million CNY .

  11. 利用现金流量表分析财务状况包括以下几个方面:一是企业现金的流入、流出;

    We make use of the cash flow statement to analyse the financial conditions including some aspects as follows : One is cash flow of the enterprise ;

  12. 为了完善财务分析体系,作者在理论分析的基础上提出了一套现金流量表分析指标,设计并发放了调查问卷,拟通过对调查情况的统计分析来验证或补充理论分析的结果。

    In order to perfect the financial statement analysis system , the author has proposed a set of indicators for analyzing SCF on the foundation of theoretic study , designed and granted questionnaires to prove or supplement the results of theoretic study through the statistical analysis to the questionnaire .

  13. 医院现金流量表的分析和运用

    To analyze and manage the cash flow form of hospital

  14. 最后是现金流量表趋势分析。

    Finally , the trend of cash flow analysis .

  15. 现金流量表及其分析指标研究

    Research on Cash Flow Statement & Analysis Index

  16. 浅析现金流量表的分析与使用

    Analysis and Application of Statement of Cash Flow

  17. 现金流量表的分析利用

    Analysis and Utilization of Cash Flow Reports

  18. 介绍了现金流量表的分析方法

    Introduces analysing method of cash flows statement

  19. 因此,通过对企业现金流量表的分析,就可以评价一个企业是否具有活力。

    The vigor of an enterprise can be appraised by the analysis of its cash-flow table .

  20. 浅谈现金流量表的分析方法与作用

    Opinions on Analytical Method of Cash Current Statement and its Effect The Statement of Cash Flow

  21. 文章的第二部分从四个方面论述现金流量表的分析。

    The second part of the article from the four aspects of the cash flow analysis .

  22. 对现金流量表的分析结果表明,亚泰集团的净现金流量非常不理想,能够形成正的净现金流完全依赖于筹资。

    With analysis of cash flow , the net cash flow is not ideal , and true cash flow depends completely on fund raising .

  23. 本文从现金流量表来分析企业现金流入与现金流出的原因,同时阐述了各项指标,在经营决策中所起到的作用。

    This paper analyses the cause of cash inflow and outflow from ' statement of cash flow and expounds the function of sorts of index in managerial decision - making .

  24. 关于现金流量表信息的分析与利用

    On the analysis and utilization of cash flow table information

  25. 现金流量表相关指标分析

    Analysis of the Relevant Indicators of the Cash Flow Statement

  26. 现金流量表比较与分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Statement of Cash Flow

  27. 医院现金流量表的综合分析方法探析

    Comprehensive Analysis about Cash Flow Statements in Hospital

  28. 基于损益确认原则转换的现金流量表编制方法分析

    Analysis in Changing the Making Methol of Cash Flows Statement Based on Profit recognizing Principle

  29. 现金流量表是企业分析财务状况、做出经营决策的重要依据。

    The cash-flow report is an important foundation for enterprise to analyze financial situation and make operation decisions .

  30. 通过对连续数据年的现金流量表的比较分析,预测企业的发展趋势,有助于规划未来。

    Through the years , the cash flow data for comparative analysis , forecasts the development trend of enterprises , contribute to the planning for the future .