
móu huà
  • plan;scheme;meditate;try to find a solution
谋划 [móu huà]
  • [plan;scheme] 试图找到解决办法

  • 他在谋划打倒他的敌人

谋划[móu huà]
  1. 如果你正谋划如何过暑假,考虑下这个:越来越多的美国人不再花数周时间去晒日光浴或者去国外观光旅行,他们去孤儿院做义工,参与学校建设,教孩子们英语。

    As you plan -- or even go -- on your summer vacation , think about this : More and more Americans are no longer taking a few weeks off to suntan and sightsee abroad . Instead they 're working in orphanages1 , building schools and teaching2 English .

  2. 面对来自加入WTO与《医疗事故处理条例》出台后的新挑战,医院要树立新的经营观念、人才观念和新的管理观念,以应对挑战谋划新发展,与时俱进。

    Facing to the new challenges of entering WTO and the release of < Regulation on handling medical accidents > , hospitals should have new operation idea , new talent idea and new management idea to respond the challenges and to plan new development , to advance with the times .

  3. 与此同时,他的同事在加紧谋划挤走他。

    His colleagues , meanwhile , were busily scheming to get rid of him .

  4. 他们在谋划进行报复。

    They were meditating revenge .

  5. 他被控谋划妨碍司法公正。

    He was charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice .

  6. 他们在该地区的行动是精心谋划的,意在恐吓土地所有者放弃手中的地产。

    Their movements through the region were calculated to terrify landowners into abandoning their holdings

  7. 人人时刻都在谋划着。

    Everyone 's always scheming and plotting

  8. 环境组织世界自然基金会改革谋划师汤姆•克朗普顿说:"当我们无法真正消除恐惧的根源时,我们往往会采取一系列防御机制来达到心理上的适应。"。

    " When we can 't actually remove the source of our fear , we tend to adapt psychologically by adopting a range of defence mechanisms , " says Tom Crompton , change strategist for the environmental organisation World Wide Fund for Nature .

  9. 延迟退休改革相关的配套政策和保障措施非常多,需要统筹谋划、协同推进。

    Jin said retirement age reform requires overall planning and coordination as it involves many supporting policies and measures .

  10. 谋划“十四五”时期发展,要贯彻以人民为中心的发展思想,坚持发展为了人民、发展成果由人民共享,努力在推动高质量发展过程中办好各项民生事业、补齐民生领域短板。

    When making plans for the 14th Five-Year period ( 2021-2025 ) , we must insist that development is for the people with the benefits shared by the people , and more efforts should be made to improve weak links concerning people 's livelihood4 , while striving for high-quality development .

  11. 所以,联想正积极谋划PC和移动两大市场。

    Thus , Lenovo is playing both ends of the pc-mobile divide .

  12. 八国集团(groupofeight)这类富国小集团,将再也无法在背着世界经济另一半的情况下谋划交易。

    No longer would small cabals of rich countries like the group of eight stitch up deals while excluding half the world economy from the discussions .

  13. 婚姻支付变迁与姻亲秩序谋划&辽东Q镇的个案研究

    The Vicissitude of Marriage Payments and the Equilibrium of Power in Affinal Relationships : A case study in Q county of Liaoning province

  14. 投资战略(InvestmentStrategies)是指根据企业总体经营战略要求,为维持和扩大生产经营规模,对有关投资活动所做的全局性谋划。

    Investment strategy refers to Strategies according to enterprise general business strategy , in order to maintain and expand the requirements for production and operation scale for Investment activity do global plan .

  15. 私人股本集团黑石(blackstone)正在谋划上市。

    Blackstone , the private equity group , is planning a listing .

  16. 同时,由于与会的很多人曾希望能开办一些“workshop”,于是,我们共同“谋划”在傍晚增加了一些workshop和hackingsessions,并把它们安排在晚餐前或者闪电会谈(lightningtalks)前。

    So , we 've conspired to add in some workshop and hacking sessions in the early evening , either over dinner or just before lightning talks .

  17. 多年来,卡尔•罗夫(KarlRove)这样的谋划高手利用文化担忧——通常会煽动种族仇恨——来刺激中产阶级投票。

    For years strategists such as Karl Rove played on cultural fears - often stoking racial resentment - to galvanise the vote .

  18. 哪怕对冲基金随便杜撰一个故事,例如,为了研发新款苹果轿车,苹果正谋划并购土星(Saturn)汽车,人们也会陷入疯狂

    A hedge fund could float a story that apple is thinking of buying Saturn in order to develop a new brand of Apple cars and people would go nuts

  19. 昨日,通用电气(GE)等三家谋划实施大型收购的集团宣布并购消息,推动10月发起的并购交易额超过5000亿美元,让10月意外地成为有史以来并购交易最繁忙的月份之一。

    General Electric led a trio of groups planning big takeovers yesterday to lift the value of transactions launched in October to more than $ 500bn , in what has unexpectedly become one of the busiest months for dealmaking on record .

  20. A一直就在谋划抓我们来这里

    A planed on bringin ' us here the whole time .

  21. 国家主义、地区主义与全球主义&兼论中国大战略的谋划

    Nationalism , Regionalism and Globalism , and China 's Mega Strategy

  22. 这些小偷谋划抢夺银行。

    The thieves hatched a plan to rob the bank .

  23. 谋划武器装备长远发展。

    The PLA is planning its future development of weaponry and equipment .

  24. (用于武装力量)为在国外的军事行动而谋划的。

    ( used of military forces ) designed for military operations abroad .

  25. 我们得好好为我谋划一下。

    We got to cook something up for me now .

  26. 谋划长远加快发展&把郑州建设成为国家区域性中心城市

    Zhengzhou : Build a Regional Central City of the Country

  27. 我知道你们在谋划我的新婚惊喜聚会。

    I know you 're Pianning my surprise bridai shower .

  28. 诺塞尔最终被指控参与这场犯罪谋划。

    Nosair would eventually be convicted for his involvement in the plot .

  29. 和他的参谋人员仔细地谋划起来。

    And began to study it very carefully with his general staff .

  30. 国际空间法的正向效力与反向谋划研究

    Research on Positive Functions and Reverse Designs of the International Space Law