
  1. 最后,本文还关注了财经媒体在监督创业板发行体制改革过程中存在的部分问题。

    As a supplement , this paper also studies the certain problem in the process which financial media supervise the system for the rule of gem issuing .

  2. 并且通过国际创业板IPO制度比较,汲取对创业板IPO制度改革有益的经验。

    And through the international comparison of the gem IPO system , drawing onthe gem IPO system reform experience .

  3. 最后一章通过一个申请创业板市场上市的真实案例来更有力的说明创业板市场发行制度改革的必要性和目前创业板市场发行制度未能遵循其本身作用目标而带来的种种实际问题。

    In the last chapter , an real case of a company applied for listing can show vigorously the necessity of GEM issuing system reform and all kinds of practical problems that the issuing system cannot conform to its own objective .