
dān jù
  • simple sentence
单句 [dān jù]
  • [simple sentence] 不可再分析出分句的句子

单句[dān jù]
  1. 从先秦到元明时期,汉语单句结构不同于现代汉语的最大一点是,句子的中心动词及其宾语之后,有一个X位置,其抽象格式可表示为:V+(O)+X。

    From the pre-Qin period to the Yuan-ming period , the grammatical structure of the Chinese simple sentence had one of the most different characteristics comparing with the modern Chinese , that is , there was a place of X behind the central verb and ( or ) its objective .

  2. 汉语单句的结构对称特点

    The Traits of the Constructional Balance of Chinese Simple Sentence

  3. 西夏语SOV型单句中宾语的形式

    Objective Forms in SOV Simple Sentences in Tangut

  4. 面向EBMT的汉语单句谓语中心词识别研究

    The Research on Recognizing the Predicate Head of a Chinese Simple Sentence in EBMT

  5. 在本部分中,你将听到五个单句。

    Directions : In this part you will hear five sentences .

  6. 他们用方言交谈,别人几乎无法听懂。(定语译为单句)

    They talk in their dialect that is almost impossibly understood .

  7. 翻译段落要比翻译单句难得多。

    It 's easier to translate a sentence than a passage .

  8. 这部电影中最好的地方是那些诙谐的单句俏皮话。

    The best bits of the film are the witty one-liners .

  9. 单句英译汉测试评估中的评分员差异研究

    Rating Differences of Experienced Raters in Their Assessment of English-Chinese Sentence Translation

  10. 复句由两个或两个以上单句构成的,所包含的单句叫分句。

    Complex sentences are made up of two or more simple sentences .

  11. 其二是使字句主语的小句化,这一发展过程可简单表示为:单句→包孕句→复句。

    Secondly , the subject of the sentence evolve into a clause .

  12. 英汉单句语序差异比较研究

    A Contrastive Study of Constituent Order in English and Chinese Simple Sentences

  13. 语篇分析,又称话语分析,是对超出单句长度的语言单位进行的语言分析。

    Text Analysis is a linguistic analysis of text .

  14. 不要在单个词或单句上浪费太多时间。

    Never waste too much time on some new words and single sentences .

  15. 让学生个别操练单句朗读。

    Ask individual students to read a sentence each .

  16. 句法部分包括句法结构、单句、复句、句群。

    Syntax includes sentence structures , simple sentences , compound sentences and sentence groups .

  17. 逗号是不可以连接两个独立的单句的。

    A comma splice is the use of a comma between two independent clauses .

  18. 有一些很好的单句俏皮话。

    There were some good one-liners .

  19. 单句和复句是现代汉语中的两种基本句型。

    Simple sentence and complex sentence are two kinds of basically sentence pattern in modern Chinese .

  20. 在高级英语的教学中,传统的注重单句、忽略语篇的教学方法导致教学效果不甚理想。

    The traditional Bottom-up Approach in text analysis results in the dissatisfying teaching effects of advanced English .

  21. 汉语单句谓语中心词识别知识的获取及应用

    The Acquisition and Application of the Knowledge for Recognizing the Predicate Head of a Chinese Simple Sentence

  22. 维吾尔语单句句法分析研究

    Probe Uyghur Single sentence Analysis

  23. 以下是近来在西方社会流传的一些具有代表性的单句睿语:

    Here 's sampling of the some of the wittier one-lines circulating through Western society circles these days :

  24. 这部分是下列课程共20课的练习,可为你提供语音、词汇和单句等的微技能训练,也有短文听力的整体理解训练。

    There are20 lessons on the following textbooks which provide you listening practice ranging from micro-skills to macro-skills training .

  25. 复句是汉语中使用得很广泛的句子形式,复句是由两个以上单句组合而成。

    Complex sentence is used very widely in Chinese sentences . It is composed of more than two sentences together .

  26. 个案已经出现结构复杂、逻辑性强的单句,并开始有意识地运用偏正关系的复句;

    The case could use single sentence with complex structure or logical meaning , and began to use leaning-obverse sentences ;

  27. 关联词语与单句关联词语标明复句关系。留学生若干篇章关联词语使用偏误的考察及有关的语义语用分析

    A Study of Foreign Students ' Errors on the Use of Some Textual Connectives and a Related Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis

  28. 从句子构成上看,有独词的、词组的、单句的、复句的;

    In terms of sentence unit , there are one-word exclamatory sentence , phrasal one , simple one and compound one .

  29. 第三章:新闻标题句型特点考察,以新闻标题单句和复句为考察对象。

    Chapter ⅲ: This part is about the inspection and study on the characteristics of the sentence patterns in news titles .

  30. 管理局将法官任何单一字元(韩句是由加入的字符)或任何单句的中立性;

    Theauthority would judge any single character ( Han sentence is formed byjoining of characters ) or any single sentence 's neutrality ;