
  • 网络function specification;functional specification
  1. PAR方法及其平台使用一阶谓词逻辑表示功能规约,分划与递推来进行算法形式推导,各种转换系统来自动生成算法程序。

    The PAR approach and its platform expresses function specification by first prediction logic , formally derives algorithm by partition and recurrence , and automatic generate algorithmic program by diversified transformation systems .

  2. 系统功能需求分析,通过用例图和功能规约用例分析表对系统功能需求进行了概述。

    We summarize functional requirements of the system by the use case diagram and use case analysis table of function specification .

  3. 因此,本文首先研究基于模型的SoC功能规约方法和系统级行为提取方法,并对影响系统功能正确性的关键行为和IP核进行风险评估,为系统级功能验证策略制定提供量化依据。

    This thesis studies the model-based specification approach , system-level behavior scenarios construction approach , and the risk evaluation approach , providing quantization for the system-level functional verification strategy .

  4. 在功能规约和测试生成的基础上,研究如何利用模拟方法加速和改进SoC系统形式验证方法,特别是模型级和事务级行为的一致性验证方法。

    Based on functional specification and test generation , this thesis studies how to accelerate and improve the system-level formal verification approach for SoC , especially for behavior consistence verification between model-level and transaction-level design .

  5. 并行软件功能规约的组合语义方法

    A Combined Semantics Methodology of Parallel Software Functional Specifications

  6. 功能规约自动生成

    Automatic generation of functional specifications

  7. 基于场景的序列图是设计人员捕获系统级功能规约的良好方法。

    In the paper , we propose a method to support the transaction-level verification of SoC based on the UML-RT sequence diagrams .

  8. 而当前的构件组装研究还局限在接口规约及功能规约上,缺乏一种面向过程的对象级交互的构件组装方法。

    Currently , Component assembly study also confined to the interface and functions protocol , short of a process-oriented object-level interactive component assembly method .

  9. 多功能多规约库的RTU设计与开发

    Design and Development of the Multifunction and Multi-protocols RTU

  10. 首先,论文探讨了电力通信的现状,论述了开展论文工作的必要性,讨论了通信管理机所实现的功能,规约转换和通信管理。

    Firstly , the present condition of the power communication is discussed . At the same time , the necessity of the paper , and the function of the Management Machine of Power Communication , Protocol conversion and Communication Management , are also presented .

  11. 最后分析了多功能电表通信规约。

    Lastly , communication protocols of multi-function watt-hour meter have been analyzed .

  12. 根据前面对多功能电表通信规约的分析,制定了适用本系统的抄表通信协议。

    Meter reading communication protocols suitable for this system have been constituted basing on communication protocols of muti-function watt-hour meter reading .

  13. 词汇函数和意象图式都有规约化常识的功能,两者在规约化常识方面具有互补性。

    Both lexical functions and image schemata own the function of conventionalizing common sense and they are complementary in this function .

  14. 社会共同价值观具有普遍性、结构性、稳定性等特征,具有凝聚功能、导向功能和规约功能。

    Social common values is of universality , construction , coagulability , direction and standardization .

  15. 而在实时控制软件设计及开发过程中,将同时带有控制功能与非功能性规约的设计模型完整如实地转换成目标平台中可执行的实现模型是极其关键的问题。

    In the process of real-time control software design and development , it will be extremely important to transfer the design model with both control functions and non-functional conventions into an executable implementation model for specific target platform truthfully and completely .