
  1. 1.toppriority应予最优先考虑的事政府应该优先重建城内旧中心区。

    The government should give top priority to rebuilding the inner cities .

  2. 政府应该优先重建城内旧中心区。

    The government shall give top priority to rebuild the inner city .

  3. 城内每个生活区的四周用榆树修成篱笆。

    Each living district in the city is fenced in / round with elms .

  4. 商店雇员就住在毗邻购物中心的国际城内的中国区。

    The workers who man the stores live in the Chinese section of the international city that abuts the mart .

  5. 在两汉时期的长安城城内主要是宫殿区,然而到了隋唐之后,变成了包百姓于城内,由二重城变为了三重城。

    In the Han Dynasty in the city of Changan city is the main palace area , After however the Sui and Tang Dynasties , into the bag to the people , By the double city to three city .