
chéng fǔ
  • shrewdness;subtlety
城府 [chéng fǔ]
  • [shrewdness;subtlety] 城内官府所在地。比喻待人处事的心机

  • 性深阻若城府,而能宽绰以容纳。--《晋书.愍帝纪论》

  • 为人心无城府

城府[chéng fǔ]
  1. 她这个人一直城府很深,对谁也不相信。

    She 's always been a deep one , trusting no one .

  2. 我就那么没有城府?

    Am I that transparent ?

  3. 里特城府颇深,而马里厄斯恰恰相反,是个心地淳朴的农民。

    Ritter was a very complex man but Marius was the opposite , a simple farmer

  4. transparent+名词我就那么没有城府?

    Am I that transparent ( = are my intentions that obvious ) ?

  5. 水灯节(LoiKratong)是泰国全国性的节日,尤以清迈和大城府的欢庆最为有名。

    Loy Krathong ( or Loi Kratong ) is a festival celebrated throughout Thailand , with the festivities in Chiang Mai and Ayutthaya being particularly well known .

  6. 他是个城府很深的人,是不是?

    He 's a hard one to read , isn 't he ?

  7. 珍妮花:呃,你狡猾、城府很深、冷血

    Jennifer : Well , you 're sneaky , conniving , cold blooded

  8. 要是城府更深些的话,他掌权的时间也许会更长些了。

    Had he been more astute he might have stayed in power longer .

  9. 这座寺庙是大城府历史公园的一部分。

    The temple is part of Ayutthaya Historical Park .

  10. 大家都知道布朗先生是一个城府极深的人。

    Everyone knows Mr Brown is a man with an axe to grind .

  11. 我觉得,她仍然是我所认识的城府最深的女人。

    I 'd say she is still the most complex woman I know .

  12. 那个城府不深,眼光狭隘的女管家肯定会高兴。

    That irrepressibly provincial housekeeper would be delighted .

  13. 亚历山大是个城府很深、沉默寡言的人,他年轻的时候,从来不是多嘴多舌的。

    Alexander-a secret , silent man , he never siad much when he was young .

  14. 对于出任瑞银董事长已达7年的奥斯佩尔,城府深密就是他的座右铭。

    Inscrutability is the watchword of the 58-year-old chairman of UBS for the past seven years .

  15. 本田在大城府,曼谷北部一城市,的主要工厂,自十月四日起关闭。

    Honda 's main car plant at Ayutthaya , north of Bangkok , has been shut since October4th .

  16. 在灾情最严重的大城府内,几乎所有教堂和教会学校都受到影响。

    Almost every church and Church-run school in Ayutthaya , the worst-hit province , has also been affected .

  17. 其实,这种深度,是城府的深度,而不是灵魂的深度。

    In fact , this depth is the depth of Ayutthaya , rather than the depth of the soul .

  18. 因清代在扶余一带设立新城府,故而称其为新城戏。

    Because of the Qing Dynasty set up a new area of Ayutthaya in Fuyu , therefore called Metro opera .

  19. 哲学最具魅力的高尚品格,有以下几个方面:城府深阔,并不世故;

    The most charming and lofty characters in philosophy are those as follows : more experienced , but not worldly wise ;

  20. 老天保佑我现在还没有遇到小三,老天保佑当我遇到的时候能有佩蓉那样的城府。

    God bless I have not encountered in the third , God bless when I met when Peirong to have that kind of Ayutthaya .

  21. 他说,普通的俄罗斯人不喜欢变化,他指出,城府没有采取足够的措施能够鼓励大家采取行动。

    He says ordinary Russians are reluctant to move , and notes their government has not taken concrete steps that would encourage them to do so .

  22. 对于这个我觉得有两个原因,一是村民没有很深的城府去嫉妒或讨厌那些爱炫耀的人;

    To account for this , I attribute two reasons . One , the villagers were not sophisticated enough to envy or hate someone who showed off ;

  23. 男人们总说“女人心,海底针”,还难以捉摸,但在现实中,男人的城府和难以捉摸的程度远不输女人。

    Men claim that women are the ones who are complicated and unpredictable but in reality , men can be just as complicated and unpredictable as women .

  24. 其实是心无城府的,她从小便比身边所朋友长得高,已习惯了在与的中骄傲地笑。

    In fact , with no Ayutthaya are , because she has an early age than all my friends around tall , have been accustomed to in comparison with their proud smile .

  25. 另一些恶意批评者对布什持较为尊重但也更阴暗的看法,即将布什看作很有城府的视民众为傻瓜而操纵民众的人,极其善于迎合美国公众意向的人。

    Other detractors take a more respectful but darker view : they see Bush as intelligently cynical and manipulative , with a great talent for feeding the wishful thinking of the American public .