
  • 网络working capital loan;Liquidity loans;working capital
  1. 他正在和他的银行家巴特·琼斯谈论有关流动资金贷款事宜。

    He is talking to his banker , Bart Jones , about a working capital loan .

  2. 或许5天之内就可以给您提供流动资金贷款。

    And we may offer you a loan for working capital in five days .

  3. 流动资金贷款利率8.5%。

    The loan interest rate for circulating fund is8.5 % .

  4. 流动资金贷款有钱途

    Loans By Floating Capital Has Ways To Money

  5. 再论经济转轨中的流动资金贷款问题中国建设银行流动资金贷款定价中存在问题的分析及对策探讨

    A Research on Evaluation Weakness and Countermeasure of China Construction Bank Business Loan Pricing Methods

  6. 为进园企业的流动资金贷款提供信用担保。

    Provide guarantee for the loan of flow capital of the enterprises in the Park .

  7. 您是说您要我们银行提供流动资金贷款?

    You mean you need our bank to offer you a loan for working capital ?

  8. 银监会提醒银行,流动资金贷款不能用于资本投资或股权投资。

    Regulators reminded banks working capital loans must not be used to finance capital investment or equity stakes .

  9. 甲方保证不挤占、挪用流动资金贷款搞固定资产投资。

    X.Party A guarantees that it will not appropriate or misappropriate its working capital funds for capital construction investment .

  10. 我们必须通过降低不良资产带来的风险,放开对消费者和工商企业的流动资金贷款。

    We must free up the flow of credit to consumers and businesses by reducing the risk posed by troubled assets .

  11. 综合授信业务(金融)、结算理财服务、流动资金贷款

    Loans as Working Capital in the Transitional Economy Restudied ; Comprehensive credit line ( finance ), settlement and finance service , floating capital loan

  12. 合营公司年度流动资金贷款的最高额及有关合营公司资产的购置、租赁、出卖或抵押等事宜;

    Deciding the top line of annual circulating capital and issues on purchasing , leasing and mortgage of assets in the joint venture company ;

  13. 在建行的最初两三年内,信贷业务比较少,主要是针对少数大型日资企业的流动资金贷款与中长期的固定资产贷款。

    During the initial few years , the branch handled only a little credit businesses that were mainly short-term and long-term loan for big scale Japanese joint ventures .

  14. 中行表示,攀枝花钢铁集团还会从该行得到包括流动资金贷款、固定资产贷款、资金管理以及金融咨询等在内的其他金融服务。

    The group will also get other financial support including liquidity loan and fixed-asset loan services , cash management and financial consulting services from BOC , the bank said .

  15. 流动资金贷款不得用于固定资产、股权等投资,不得用于国家禁止生产、经营的领域和用途。

    Working capital loans may not be used for investments in fixed assets or equity or for sectors and purposes where production or operation is prohibited by the state .

  16. 中国建设银行流动资金贷款定价中存在问题的分析及对策探讨银监会关于印发《重点家禽养殖、加工企业流动资金贷款财政贴息资金管理办法》的通知

    Circular of the China Banking Regulatory Commission , on Printing and Issuing the Administrative Measures for Subsidiary Fund for Loans on Working Capital of Key Poultry Raising and Processing Enterprises

  17. 同样,不动产(土地,建筑物)和设备都是很好的抵押品形式,但它们一般用于长期贷款的抵押品而非流动资金贷款。

    Similarly , real property ( land and buildings ) and equipment are good forms of collateral , but they are generally used as security for long-term loans rather than for working capital loans .

  18. 尽管出口商业发票贴现的表面形式是贸易融资业务,但其实质是银行向企业发放的流动资金贷款,它的风险性丝毫不亚于普通的流动资金贷款。

    Though the discounting of export commercial invoice shows itself a kind of trade financing business on the face , its essence is a sort of floating capital loan that bank offers to enterprises .

  19. 据报道,我国房地产开发企业负债率高达76%,房地产企业多依赖卖“期房”或扩大流动资金贷款融通资金。

    According to reports , China 's real estate development enterprise debt rate as high as76 % , more dependent on the sale of real estate enterprises " faster " or expand liquidity loan financing funds .

  20. 企业融资模式偏好内源融资,权益性融资主要依赖企业自有资金的积累;外源融资方面,主要依赖债务融资,尤其是短期流动资金贷款,缺乏多样化的融资渠道,特别是缺乏权益性资本市场。

    They prefer to internal financing and mainly depend on own fund accumulation in rights finance ; in external finance , mainly relies on debt finance especially short liquidity loan , lack of various financing path , especially capital market .

  21. 但是固定资产贷款却越来越少,流动资金贷款期限也有缩短趋势,银行借款在中小企业融资结构中的比重持续下降,这严重阻碍了中小企业的发展。

    But the fixed asset loan are fewer and fewer , the floating capital loan term has the tendency to reduce , the bank loan proportion has been continuously declining in the SMEs financing structure , which has seriously hindered the SMEs ' development .

  22. 加快发展贸易融资业务是商业银行加快经营转型的内在要求,对于优化银行的信贷资产结构、改造传统流动资金贷款、提升赢利能力都具有现实意义。

    To develop trade financing is an internal demand for commercial banks to transform their operation modes . Moreover , it is with realistic meanings in optimizing the structure of credit assets , improve traditional , loans and enhance the abilities to get profits .

  23. 该项目总投资为1600万元,固定资产投资的资金来源为公司前几年的未分配利润,所需的流动资金由银行贷款解决;

    The amount of money to be invested in the project will be 16 million RMB . The fund will come from undistributed profits of HW Company .

  24. 本轮融资所得将用于支出、补充流动资金以及偿还银行贷款。

    The proceeds raised in this round of financing will be used for expenditures , supplementary liquidity and repayment of bank loans .

  25. 银行优先为国债项目提供配套贷款,支持有市场、有效益、有信用企业的流动资金和技术改造贷款需要。

    While giving top priority to providing supplementary loans for Treasury-bond projects , banks also provided working capital and loans in support of technological transformation by credit-worthy enterprises that are profitable and have a ready market for their products .

  26. 但是,部分中小板上市公司大量募集资金闲置而随意变更募集资金投向与用途、用于补充流动资金、归还银行贷款以及委托理财等,似乎告诉人们在繁荣的背后却埋藏着诸多隐患。

    However , over financing behavior of listed companies caused part of the financing funds misappropriated and idle , add liquidity , repayment of bank loans and trust management . It seems to us that many hidden dangers have been buried behind this prosperity .