
liú zhì shí wù
  • liquid food
流质食物 [liú zhì shí wù]
  • [liquid diet; slop] 液体状态的食物(如流质或半流质)

  1. 医生建议病人应吃流质食物。

    The doctor recommended that the patient be fed liquid food .

  2. 你应该吃些流质食物,因为你还在发烧。

    You should have liquid food , for you still have a fever .

  3. 一两天里主要吃流质食物可能会有好处。

    A predominantly liquid diet for a day or two may be helpful

  4. 病人不应吃固体食物而要多喝流质食物。

    The afflicted person should keep off solid foods and drink plenty of fluids .

  5. 经皮穿刺胃造瘘术7例,均在术后2d经饲管注入胃肠营养液及流质食物。

    Of 7 cases of percutaneous gastrostomy , liquid diet was given 2 days after operation .

  6. 结果:与正常人比,65例NUD患者中13例显示固体食物胃排空迟缓,其中11例(84.6%)同时有半流质食物排空迟缓,只有1例(7.7%)同时有液体食物排空迟缓。

    RESULTS Of the 65 patients with NUD , 13 patients showed DGE for solid meal , 11 patients ( 84.6 % ) also showed DGE for semiliquid meal and only one patient showed DGE ( 7.7 % ) for liquid meal .

  7. 同时准备一些流质食物,便当和鸡汤。

    Prep the pantry with liquids , tea and chicken soup .

  8. 他吃流质食物后,开始吃固体食物。

    After his liquid diet , he began to eat solids again .

  9. 现在他病好了,可以吃非流质食物了。

    Now he is well enough to take solids .

  10. 那病人只能吃流质食物。adj.有力的;

    The sick man could eat only liquid foods .

  11. 这段时间要多休息,多吃流质食物。

    In the meantime , get plenty of rest and drink lots of liquids .

  12. 所有蚂蚁都吃流质食物。

    All ants live on liquid food .

  13. 好转为能顺利进食固体食物,但进食流质食物仍有呛咳。

    Relative improvement indicated able to eat solid diet , but bucked when ate fluid food .

  14. 他只能进食流质食物。

    He could take only fluids .

  15. 大米粥是一种用大米制作的流质食物,要长时间熬制。

    Rice porridge is a sort of liquid food , which is made from rice and takes a long time to cook .

  16. 发言时,大量喝水,特别是诸如果汁,甚至包括咖啡或茶之类的流质食物,保持喉咙湿润。

    Drink plenty of fluids , especially things like fruit juice or even coffee or tea and keep your throat moist while you 're speaking .

  17. 蝎子和蜱主要是用敏锐的嗅觉来寻觅食物,而且它们只能依靠流质食物生存。

    For both ticks and scorpions , the next meal is primarily found by their excellent sense of smell , and they can only survive on liquid food .

  18. 妇女通常从早期开始用混合食物喂养婴儿,给他们吃额外的流质和固体食物,诸如水和配方奶。

    Women generally mix feed their babies from an early age & giving additional fluids and solids like water and formula milk .

  19. 术后恢复需要六个星期的过渡饮食,从流质和泥状食物开始。

    Recovery involves a six-week transition diet starting with clear liquids and pureed food .

  20. 我仍然在恢复流质饮食,然后食物泥的食物,然后软的食物。

    I am still in recovery with liquid diet , then pureed food , then soft foods .