
  • 网络emerging industry
  1. 物业收费管理系统是典型的MIS。走进新时代,物业管理行业是在传统的房屋管理基础上演变而来的新兴行业,近年来获得了长足健康的发展。

    Property Management System of Charge is a typical MIS ( Management Information System ) . Enters the new times , the property management industry is the emerging industry based on the traditional housing management , in recent years it obtained the considerable health development .

  2. 知识经济时代,知识密集型服务企业(KIBS)作为推动创新的新兴行业,对社会经济的发展做出了巨大的贡献。

    In the knowledge economic time , Knowledge-Intensive Business Service ( KIBS ) as an emerging industry to promote the innovation , have made great contribution to the development of social economy .

  3. 图书管理(Librarymanagement)行业是在传统的管理基础上发展而来的新兴行业,近年来获得了很大的发展。

    Library management ( LM ) is a traditional management industry developed on the basis of new industries in recent years received considerable development .

  4. 在就业的行业结构方面,FDI对吸收我国传统行业的剩余劳动力具有积极的影响,同时会推动我国新兴行业的就业的增长,缓解我国整体就业的行业结构的矛盾;

    In trade aspect , FDI helps alleviate the employment unbalance and may contribute to newly developing trade employment in China .

  5. 在经济全球化的今天,电子商务系统作为一个热门的新兴行业迅速的发展起来,越来越多的人喜欢在Internet上进行各种交易和交流。

    In the economic globalization , E-Commerce system as a hot new industry developed rapidly . More and more people like making all kinds of transactions and communications on the Internet .

  6. 这份报告预测,战略新兴行业(比如新能源和先进制造业)的产出将会达到2017年GDP总量的10%。

    It predicts that among strategic emerging industries , such as new energy and advanced manufacturing , output would about 10 percent of total GDP in 2017 .

  7. TFT-LCD在我国属于新兴行业,对于FMEA应用还有待推广。

    TFT-LCD is a burgeoning industry in China . FMEA application is still under promotion .

  8. 随着Internet和CTI技术的高速发展,呼叫中心行业已经成为一个劳动力密集、知识密集、技术密集相叠加的新兴行业。

    With the rapid development of the Internet and the technology of CTI , The call center industry has become a labor-intensive , knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive industry .

  9. 但是,来自Carbon3D等初创企业和惠普(HP)等家喻户晓品牌的竞争,对开发出这一新兴行业的科技集团形成压力。

    But competition from start-ups such as Carbon 3D and household names such as Hewlett-Packard is putting pressure on the tech groups that developed the fledgling industry .

  10. 近几年C2C电子商务在中国获得了空前快速的发展,成为了一个新兴行业。

    C2C E-commence has won unprecedented development in China these years . It has become a new industry .

  11. 作者将基于J2ME的Java手机软件这一思路与国内新兴行业枣足球彩票行业相结合,研发了足球彩票手机投注系统。

    The author combines the idea of Java mobile phone software based on J2ME with newly rising football lottery industry of China , develop the football lottery betting system in Mobile Phone .

  12. 结合中国加入WTO后的国际化竞争的现实背景,对新兴行业中的企业谋求有利市场竞争地位也当有某些参考价值。

    Combine China joins the realistic background of the internationalization competition that the WTO is behind , seeking the beneficial market competition position to also be to have some reference value to the business enterprise within newly arisen profession .

  13. 而作为以顾客满意管理为核心的CS管理理论,更多的是应用于营销和产品制造行业,对于新兴行业&物业管理来说,CS管理理论的应用研究几乎还是一个盲点。

    Customer satisfaction , as the core of CS management theory , applied more on sales and manufacturing industry . for the new industry , Property Management , the application of CS management theory is seldom adopted .

  14. 金域检验是中国最早进入生物医药检测高技术服务外包领域的企业,医学独立实验室是我国的新兴行业,J公司作为国内行业的领头羊,业务发展迅速。

    Jin Yu inspection is the earliest Chinese into the biomedical detection in the field of high technology service outsourcing enterprises , independent laboratory medicine is a new industry of our country , J company as a domestic industry leader , the business is developing rapidly .

  15. 在内地,房地产服务是新兴行业。

    Real estate services are a relatively new industry in china .

  16. 他是新兴行业中一个成功的企业家。

    He 's a successful enterpreneur in the newly developed industry .

  17. 那该如何估值一家新兴行业亏损公司呢?

    How should one value a money-losing firm in a new industry ?

  18. 第三期将关注于新兴行业。

    The third term will focus on emerging industries .

  19. 这个新兴行业未来将会有更大的发展。

    The new industry will undergo considerable future expansion .

  20. 信息技术产业作为高科技新兴行业,无疑是我国产业结构调整的一个良好选择。

    IT industry as hi-tech industry is a good way of adjusting industries structure .

  21. 养龟是我国水产新兴行业之一。

    Breeding tortoise is one of new and developing aquatic product industries in china .

  22. 工程造价咨询业是一门新兴行业和工程技术性很强的专业。

    Engineering cost consultancy is a new trade and specialty of a high technical nature .

  23. 物流作为一个新兴行业在我国已经得到了全面快速的发展。

    As a new industry in our country , logistics has been a rapid development .

  24. 金融机具制造业在我国属鲜为人知的新兴行业。

    The manufacturing industry of the financial machine tool is a new profession in china .

  25. 监理行业在工程建设中的作用和责任越来越大,监理行业又是一个新兴行业,如何建立一直高素质的监理队伍是一项尤为关键的工作。

    The trade of monitoring and management is more and more important in engineening construction .

  26. 中国将对一些新兴行业展开反垄断调查。

    A number of new industries are set to face anti-monopoly investigations here in China .

  27. 智能家居业是一个新兴行业,在我国已经得到了初步发展。

    The Smart Home industry has obtained initial achievement in China as a newly emerging industry .

  28. 无线电就好比是二十年代的因特网-一个新兴行业。

    Radio was like the Internet of the1920s , an industry that had come from nowhere .

  29. 这就使谷歌当仁不让的成为网络视频广告这个市场广大的新兴行业的老大。

    This makes Google the clear leader in the fledgling but promising market for web-video advertising .

  30. 我国的液态饮品工业是近十多年发展起来的新兴行业。

    The liquid beverage production is a newly emerging industry in our country over the last decade .