
  1. 新科学技术革命与全球化为中国国际私法的发展带来了巨大的挑战和机遇。

    New science technology revolution and globalization give Chinese Private International Law huge challenge and opportunity .

  2. 无论是以经济建设为中心的当代中国,还是伴随新科学技术革命而发生重大变化的当今世界社会经济,都对中国经济史的研究提出了新的、更高的要求。

    A newer and higher demand for the study of China 's. economic history is addressed both by China , who takes the economic construction as her central task , and the contemporary world , whose social economy has undergone great transformations after the new technological revolution .

  3. 因此对于大脑思维机制和规律的研究,必将极大地推动人的智力开发和新的科学技术革命。

    Thus , the research of the thinking mechanism and the law of the brain will promote people 's intellectual development and affect new scientific technical revolution greatly .

  4. 这种立足二者内涵不同上的划分,是解开我们在新的科学技术革命条件下对劳动价值论认识迷雾的一把钥匙。

    This kind of partition which is based on the difference of their essences is a key in solving the doubt about labor theory of value in the condition of new scientific and technological revolution .

  5. 人类社会正在经历新的科学技术革命,科学技术已成为经济社会发展的决定性力量,综合国力竞争的核心就是自主创新能力的竞争。

    The human society is experiencing the new science and technology revolution , the science and technology has become the decisive strength which the economic society develops , the comprehensive national strength competition core is the independent innovation ability competition .

  6. 新的科学技术革命,推动传统经济向新兴的知识经济发展,人力资源在诸要素中的重要地位日益突显,已被称为推动经济增长和社会发展的第一资源。

    New scientific technical revolution , promote traditional economy to new developing knowledge economic development , the important position in all key elements of human resources is conspicuous day by day , already been known as the first resource promoting the development of economic growth and the society .

  7. 新的科学发现和技术革命,正改变着社会生产方式,促进社会生产力的发展。

    New scientific discovery and technical revolution are changing the social mode of production , promoting the development of the social productivity .

  8. 资本主义发展出现的新特征,是与新的科学技术革命造成的技术创新特别是产品创新联系在一起的。

    New characteristics of capitalism development is related with the technological innovation resulted by new scientific and technological revolution , especially the product innovation .