
  • 网络citizen media;Civic media
  1. 媒体知情权是指公民通过媒体了解知道公共事务,特别是有关国家政务信息,以及与自己利益和兴趣有关的各类社会信息的权利。

    Knowing right of media shall mean the right , which citizens know public affairs , especially concerned information of government affairs and all kinds of social information with respect to oneself benefit and interest .

  2. 对于危机管理中的其他主体学术界也有研究,但大多集中于第三部门、公民以及媒体在其中的参与,而单独将企业作为公共危机管理中的主体之一来研究的鲜有人为。

    The other research about subjects ' participation in public crisis management has focused on the third sector , the citizens and the media . But taking the study about enterprises ' participation in crisis management is little .

  3. 多年来,越来越多的欧美学生选择公共政策硕士(MPP),而非传统的MBA,因为他们在寻找提供政府、公民社会和媒体方面培训的课程。

    For years , growing numbers of students in the US and Europe have been opting for a Master of Public Policy ( MPP ) over the traditional MBA as they search for a course that trains students for government , civil society and the media .

  4. 通过政府、公民、社会和媒体的共同努力,网络公共领域一定能够朝着健康和谐的方向发展。

    Through the government , civil society and the media , the joint efforts , the network public sphere will toward healthy and harmonious direction .

  5. 技术的推动,社会的进步,人们自我表达意识的增强,让公民新闻在传统媒体的垄断中找到了生根发芽的时机。

    Technology in promoting social progress , self-expression and enhanced awareness of citizen journalism in the traditional media ' smonopoly find the opportunity to take root .

  6. 公民新闻&新媒体语境下出现的新闻传播形态,是借助网络媒介技术得以广泛应用和发展的全新新闻活动表现形式。

    Civic News , new media in the context of news dissemination form , is widely used and with the aid of network media technology in the development of entirely new news activity form .