
  • 网络publicity;Publicity Propaganda
  1. 这是京东董事局主席兼首席执行官、41岁的亿万富翁刘强东的公共宣传活动的部分内容。

    It is in part a publicity stunt for Mr. Liu , the 41-year-old billionaire who is the company 's chairman and chief executive .

  2. 正面的公共宣传有哪些益处?

    What are the advantages of positive publicity ?

  3. 周二,环保组织绿色和平(Greenpeace)发起了一场向政府施压的公共宣传活动,要求将预警等级升级至红色。

    On Tuesday , the environmental group Greenpeace launched a public campaign to pressure the government to raise the warning level to red .

  4. 某种产品或服务的公共宣传。

    A public promotion of some product or service .

  5. 发挥公共宣传作用最有利的时机是赞助文体活动、义演晚会。

    The most widely used opportunities of generating publicity are sponsorship of cultural activities , benefit evenings .

  6. 多个世纪以来,公共宣传等都鼓励我们关注思考的内容。

    We have been for centuries , through propaganda and so on , encouraged in what to think .

  7. 政府和四人组织使用公共宣传服务和各种事件让人们更加关注这个问题。

    Government and private groups are using public service announcements and events to bring more attention to the problem .

  8. 这一禁令是在一场公共宣传运动之后出台的,是民间团体施加的压力影响中国立法的罕见事例。

    The move follows a public campaign , in a rare example of civil society pressure shaping legislation in China .

  9. 销售工业品的公司大多重视人员销售这一销售工具,同时辅以广告、促销活动和公共宣传等营销工具。

    Firms selling industrial products generally emphasize personal selling in their promotion mixes and use advertising , sales promotion , and publicity to support personal selling efforts .

  10. 润丝曼·萨贾尼是“编程女生”的创立人,也是纽约公共宣传的正式代理人。她说,该计划的萌芽是在2010年,她在美国国会上竞选失败,失败原因是科学界男女比例的不平衡。

    Reshma Saujani , founder of Girls Who Code and a former deputy public advocate in New York City , said the seeds for the program were planted during her unsuccessful 2010 run for U.S. Congress , when she was struck by tech inequalities .

  11. 但后来,她拒绝了自杰奎琳·肯尼迪(JacquelineKennedy)以来第一夫人的传统时尚外交游戏,避开所有压力,既不利用自己的公共形象宣传本土时装,也不遵循最近的策略——为东道国的时装设计师提供宣传,更好地展示友好的意图。

    But then she rejected the traditional game of fashion diplomacy in which first ladies have been engaged since Jacqueline Kennedy , eschewing any pressure either to use her public appearances to promote homegrown talent , or to follow more recent strategy and support designers from the host country , the better to demonstrate friendly intentions .

  12. 新时期公共图书馆宣传工作略论

    Discussion on Conducting Work of the Public Library in the New Historical Period

  13. 在本职工作中,马保力要追捕窃贼、给事件报告归档、录制公共服务宣传片。

    At work , Mr Ma chased burglars , filed incident reports and recorded public service announcements .

  14. 意见领袖:现阶段农村公共政策宣传的重要变量

    The Opinion Leader : the Important Variable in the Process of Propagating the Public Policy in Present Rural Area of China

  15. 收教妇女主要从报纸杂志、电视、公共场所宣传栏、医疗机构、网络获取艾滋病相关知识。

    Female detainees received AIDS-related knowledge mainly from newspapers , magazines , television , public boards , medical institutions and internet .

  16. 收教妇女获得艾滋病知识的主要途径是报纸杂志、电视、公共场所宣传栏、医疗机构、网络;最喜欢的健康教育方式为专家讲授。

    Female detainees learn AIDS-related knowledge mainly form newspapers and magazines , television , public board , medical institutions and internet . They like experts ' lecture mostly .

  17. 浅谈如何加强公共图书馆的宣传工作

    Discussion on How to Strengthen the Propaganda Work of Public Libraries

  18. 谈网络环境下公共图书馆服务宣传周

    Talking about the Publicizing Week for the Public Library 's Service under the Network Environment

  19. 公共卫生运动宣传关于麻风病是可治愈和非高度传染的资讯。

    Public health campaigns spread the message that leprosy is curable and not highly infectious .

  20. 由于我们精心策划和执行了公共卫生信息宣传活动,澳大利亚的皮肤癌比率降低了。

    Skin cancer rates have fallen in Australia due to our well-planned and executed public health messaging .

  21. 第二、强化体育公共信息的宣传力度,提高社会弱势群体的锻炼意识。

    Secondly , the publicity of the public sports information should be increased to improve the awareness of social vulnerable groups to participate in physical training .

  22. 应对医疗纠纷公共政策培训、宣传和教育问题的研究

    A Research on the Publicity , Training and Education in Medical Tangle

  23. 演员基弗•萨瑟兰已经在美国拍摄了一段公共服务宣言,宣传绿色生活方式的优点。

    Actor Keifer Sutherland has already filmed a public service announcement in the United States extolling the virtues of a green lifestyle .

  24. 在促销策略上要灵活运用公共关系、广告宣传、人员促销和营业推广等促销手段。

    Marketing strategy to be flexible in the use of public relations , advertising , marketing and sales promotion staff and other promotional tools .

  25. 我省县级公共图书馆应该做好宣传工作,提高服务水平,充分利用共享工程,尝试多种办馆形式。

    County public libraries should give publicity to society , improve their services , make the best use of resources sharing project and try to manage various shapes of library .

  26. 结论针对公共场所从业人员宣传艾滋病性病知识和安全性行为,倡导正确的求医行为,对降低艾滋病性病的流行具有重要意义。

    Conclusion The practice of providing entertainment venue staff with information on STDs and HIV / AIDS , safe sexual behaviour and correct health seeking behaviour is of great importance in reducing the prevalence of STD and HIV / AIDS .