
  • 网络purchase frequency;frequency of purchase;Frequ-ency
  1. 这主要因为以前的研究多是针对快速消费品领域,由于该领域消费者的购买频率高、产品价值低等特点,外部竞争环境的影响并不显著。

    The reason is that the former studies mainly focus on FMCG area and in this area it has the characteristics of higher purchase frequency and lower product value , so external competitive environment factor is not apparent .

  2. 通过扩张媒体产品的广度和开放媒体渠道可以解决市场信息不对称的前提条件,增加消费者的购买频率和消费预算,最终促进市场交易,增加社会零售商品总额,活跃市场。

    A premise to solve the problem of market information asymmetry is to broaden the width of media products and open media channels . It could increase the purchase frequency and budget of consumers , promote market transaction and increase the whole society retail sales .

  3. 相比之下,如果消费者的购买频率不高,想要让他们保持对品牌的关注就难得多。

    In contrast , it 's much harder to retain customer mindshare with lower-purchase frequencies .

  4. 此客户保留的做法形成鲜明对照的是“进攻性营销”涉及获取新顾客,增加顾客的购买频率。

    Thiscustomer-retention approach was contrasted with " offensive marketing " which involved obtaining new customers and increasing customers'purchase frequency .

  5. 声誉能够解决道德风险问题,但声誉机制的作用受到消费者重复购买频率、旅行社时间视野和市场竞争水平的限制。

    Reputation can resolve this problem , which is affected by customer 's repurchase behavior , company 's time horizon and market competition .

  6. 你购买奢侈品的频率是怎样的?

    How is your parents'attitude toward your luxury consumption ?

  7. 调查还发现,附近没有售货员的时候,这种冲动购买的发生频率更高。

    Research has also shown that this kind of impulse buy happens more frequently when no sales assistants are nearby .