
  • 网络PPP;purchasing power parity;ppp method
  1. 购买力平价法概括了这条“一价定律”。

    PPP generalises this " law of one price " .

  2. Keidel的计算表明,根据购买力平价法,到2020年中国将在经济实力方面赶上美国,国内生产总值也将达到18万亿美元。

    Keidel 's calculations suggest that using the PPP method , China will catch up with the United States as an economic power by2020 , with an equivalent GDP of18 trillion dollars .

  3. GDP的国际比较常用汇率法和购买力平价法。

    The most often used methods to compare the GDP of different countries are the exchange rate and purchasing power parity ( PPP ) .

  4. 比较价格水平是用来衡量汇率法和购买力平价法测算各国GDP水平的偏差程度的指标。

    Comparative Price Level is the index for measuring the warp of GDP between the rate and the Purchasing Power Parity ( PPP ) .

  5. 世界银行采用购买力平价法来矫正劳动力成本偏差。AlbertKeidel表示,根据购买力平价法中国的国内生产总值约为美国的一半左右。

    Based on the purchasing power parity ( PPP ) measure used by the World Bank to correct low labor-cost distortions , Albert Keidel said China 's GDP is roughly half of that of the United States .

  6. 其次,对汇率法和购买力平价法作系统的评价,客观地分析汇率法和购买力平价法的优点和局限性,以及在我国具体的应用情况,在此基础上对应用前景作出评价。

    Secondly , do systematic appraisal on the method of traditional exchange rate and purchasing power parity , point out the advantage and limitation of the two methods . And appraise to the prospect of using on this basis of applications .