
  1. 首先,中国必须改革人为划分城乡地区的做法,缩小农村和城市在购买力方面的差距。

    First , it needs to reform its artificial separation of rural and urban areas and narrow the disparity between them in purchasing power .

  2. 为了促成此项工作,要采取具体措施提高农产品价值,从而提高对我们城市产品的购买力。

    The task can be helped by definite efforts to raise the values of agricultural products and with this the power to purchase the output of our cities .

  3. 交通系统仍处发展阶段,逛遍城市仍非常不便购买力

    Transport links are still in development and make getting around the city hard

  4. 其次本文将考察上海市历年城市低保标准的购买力以及与社会经济发展指标的关联程度,以考察是否达到制度目标。

    This chapter also observes the purchasing power of the Shanghai standards for urban subsistence security and the degree of correlation between the standards and the economic development indicators to examine whether policy attain the target .

  5. 12个城市的工人在购买力方面比伦敦人高10%以上,而苏黎世、日内瓦、都柏林、洛杉矶和卢森堡的工人,其购买力至少比伦敦人高20%。

    Workers in 12 cities enjoyed at least 10 per cent more purchasing power than Londoners , while those in Zurich , Geneva , Dublin , Los Angeles and Luxembourg enjoyed at least 20 per cent more .

  6. 通过建立城市地租与地价模型,分析了城市地租与地价的形成机理,进而揭示了一个城市总体地价的静态守恒与动态增长特征,即城市总体地价由城市有效购买力所决定。

    This paper analyzed the formation of urban land rent and price through establishing the model of urban land price in a city .