
huò bì ɡòu mǎi lì
  • purchasing power of money
  1. (经济学)与消费品价格下降或货币购买力的增加相联系的或趋向引起这样的情况。

    ( economics ) associated with or tending to cause decreases in consumer prices or increases in the purchasing power of money .

  2. 高通胀率总是削减货币购买力。

    High inflation cuts the buying power of a currency over time .

  3. 知识经济时代货币购买力指标的国际比较研究

    International Comparative Studies on monetary purchasing power indices in the era of knowledge economy

  4. 要保持经济发展的高速度,必须利用财税手段调节分配,扩大有货币购买力的大众消费需求。

    Therefore , We must use financial measures to adjust distribution , expand mass consumption demand supported by cash purchasing power .

  5. 但可以清楚的一点是,当前的汇率肯定与货币购买力的大幅减损绝对不相符。

    What is clear is that a true exchange rate would have to fall sharply to reflect such a huge loss of purchasing power .

  6. 它使会计师可以对美元进行加减运算,就好像不同时间的美元都具有相同的货币购买力。

    It allows accountants to add and subtract dollar amounts as though each dollar has the same purchasing power as any other dollar at any other time .

  7. 从世界各国的经验来看,通货膨胀一般产生两大重要后果:一是货币购买力下降,二是财富重新分配。

    From around the world experience , inflation is generally produce two important consequences : one is the monetary purchasing power , 2 it is to redistribute wealth .

  8. 在对商品与服务的价格进行广泛研究之后,世行得出结论认为,较贫穷国家的货币购买力要比早先预期的强,因而调高了新兴市场经济体的相对规模。

    After extensive research on the prices of goods and services , the World Bank concluded that money goes further in poorer countries than previously thought , prompting it to increase the relative size of emerging market economies .

  9. 对于发达的经济体而言,其长期均衡汇率就是货币的购买力。

    The long-run equilibrium exchange rate of developed countries is the purchasing power parity .

  10. 高收入国家的汇率围绕其货币的购买力上下波动。

    While currency 's exchange rate of high-income country is fluctuating around its purchasing power .

  11. 基本意义上,价格稳定使这个国家的货币保持购买力,不受损。

    Fundamentally , price stability preserves the integrity and purchasing power of the nation 's money .

  12. 国际收支,通货膨胀率,货币相对购买力。

    The balance of payment , rates of domestic inflation and the relative purchasing power of currencies .

  13. 通货膨胀致使货币的购买力下降,那些用货币储值的人们便惨遭经济损失。

    During a time of inflation , the purchasing power of money will decline , imposing a cost on those who are holding wealth in the form of money .

  14. 到2016年中国经济总量将超过美国的预测,计入了根据两国货币国内购买力进行的调整。

    The projection that the Chinese economy will be larger than that of the US by 2016 included adjustments for the domestic purchasing power of the two countries ' currencies .

  15. 汇率是一个国家币值相对与另一个国家币值的价格,它的波动情况决定了该国货币实际购买力的大小;股票市场价格是一个国家经济发展情况的晴雨表。

    The fluctuations of the exchange rate determine the actual purchasing power of the national currency . The stock market is a barometer of the economic development situation of a country .

  16. 通过破坏货币的购买力,政府可以操纵整个经济的负债水平迅速下降,这是以牺牲债权人的利益为代价的,主要是那些老年人和外国人。

    By destroying the purchasing power of money , the government can engineer a speedy reduction in indebtedness across the economy , at the expense of creditors , principally the elderly and foreigners .

  17. 货币单位的购买力,决不会随著所有可买卖的货物齐一地变动

    The monetary unit 's purchasing power never changes evenly with regard to all things vendible and purchasable .

  18. 这就是评价货币估值的购买力平价(PPP)方法。

    This is the purchasing power parity method for assessing currency valuation .

  19. 本研究主要讨论中国与美国的经济规模比较问题。本研究以1995年为基年,用生产法测算中美货币的双边购买力平价(PPP),并得到中国国际可比的GDP。

    This paper is concerned with the international comparison of GDP between China and USA based on purchasing power parity ( PPP ) .

  20. 浮动汇率下,汇率大致依据货币的相对购买力变动。

    With floating exchange rates , the exchange rate moves roughly according to the relative purchasing power of monies .

  21. 然而,要是欧美货币下跌、购买力减弱及银行实力受拖累,那么亚洲的经济发展就不能持续下去。

    But not for long if US and European currencies decline , purchasing capacity reduces and banking strength is compromised .

  22. 国际美圆是一个考虑到不同国家货币之间存在购买力的差异而设立的通用货币单位。

    The international dollar is a common currency unit that takes into account differences in the relative purchasing power of various currencies .

  23. 在通货膨胀情况下,货币的实际购买力下降,政府的实际铸币税收入小于其名义铸币税收入。

    Under inflation , as the real purchasing power of money declines , the government 's real seigniorage revenues is less than its nominal .

  24. 通胀是指价格水平持续上升:是过多货币(或购买力)追逐太少的商品和服务的结果。

    Inflation is a sustained rise in the price level : the result of too much money ( or purchasing power ) chasing too few goods and services .

  25. 这一理论应该也同样适用于澳元和新西兰元等与大宗商品相关的货币,因为中国购买力的增强,将提高对来自这两个国家的原材料需求。

    This theory should also support commodity-linked currencies such as the Australian and New Zealand dollars , as enhanced Chinese purchasing power increases demand for raw materials from both countries .

  26. 购买力平价(purchasingpowerparity)理论认为两国的货币汇率取决于两国货币的购买力,亦即:决定货币购买力的物价水平决定了两国的长期汇率。

    According to the Purchasing Power Parity , the currency exchange rate of two countries depends on their purchasing powers . The PPP can also be explained as the price levels in two countries will determinate the long-term exchange rate .

  27. 前者是一国货币的对外价格,反映了该国货币的国际购买力水平;后者作为国民经济的晴雨表,能细致入微的反映国民经济各部门变化的情况。

    The former is the external price of one currency , which reflects the international purchasing power ; the latter is always recognized as the barometer of national economy , which is able to mirror the changes occurred in national economy precisely .

  28. 黄金货币属性决定其价格受社会生产成本和平均利润以及货币购买力共同决定。

    As a money , its price is fixed by an average of production costs and profits , as well as the common purchasing power of the currency .

  29. 国际货币基金组织没有一个独立的权利来确定SDR潜在货币的购买力,无法确定每个国家的购买力。

    The International Monetary Fund does not have an independent right to determine SDR potential purchasing power of money , cannot be determined for each country 's purchasing power .

  30. 所以,用本国货币表示的外国货币的价格也就是汇率,决定于两种货币的购买力比率。

    That is to say , exchange rate , which means how much foreign currency is by national currency , denotes the ratio of purchasing power between two countries .