
  • 网络currency supply and demand balanced;money equilibrium
  1. 就资金供求与货币供求的关系而言,资金供求均衡是货币供求均衡赖以形成的基础。

    As far as the relationship between capital supply and demand and currency supply and demand is concerned , balanced capital supply and demand is the foundation of balanced currency supply and demand .

  2. 本文从货币供给与货币需求两方面来进行考察,分析决定货币供求均衡的关键因素,重点探求货币乘数和货币流通速度的变动趋势及其规律性。

    This paper studies the money stock from both sides of supply and demand , analyzing the key factors upon the determination of equilibrium of money supply and money demand , mainly focusing on money multiplier and the velocity of money and its trends .