
huò bì duì huàn
  • currency exchange;money exchange;monetary convertibility
  1. EFCT秘书长石恒余(PierreShi)表示,中国游客成为抢劫目标是因为众所周知,他们喜欢携带大量现金,以避免支付多重货币兑换费。

    Pierre Shi , secretary general of the European Federation of Chinese Tourism , said Chinese visitors were being preyed upon because they were known to carry large amounts of cash to avoid paying multiple currency exchange fees .

  2. 货币兑换在政府公布汇率后更疲软了。

    Currency exchange is quieter after the government 's statement on exchange rate .

  3. 货币兑换成本仍是跨境贸易的最大障碍之一。

    Currency-conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross-border trade

  4. 货币兑换业务主要由大银行控制。

    Exchange is largely controlled by big banks .

  5. 然而,GATT第15条仅规定了IMF与WTO在经常账户下的货币兑换和国际支付方面的关系,并没有规定二者在汇率安排问题上的关系,汇率安排属于IMF辖域。

    But GATT Art . XV only governs the relations of convertibility and international payment under current accounts between IMF and WTO , and does not apply to the issues of exchange rate arrangements , thus exchange rate arrangements are still the turf of IMF .

  6. 他们利用那些使用哈瓦拉(hawala)这一传统资金转移系统的货币兑换商,即使这样的交易成本很高。

    They use trusted money changers using an old financial transfer system known as hawala , even though the deals are costly .

  7. 论货币兑换与制度变革

    The statement of the currency 's exchange and the revolution of system

  8. 您可以在货币兑换台把旅行支票兑换了。

    You an exchange your traveler 's check at the exchange counter .

  9. 这时候有货币兑换处开着吗?

    Is there any currency exchanges open at this time ?

  10. 投资者或需承受有关结算货币兑换率波动的风险。

    Investors are exposed to fluctuations in the base currencies exchange rate .

  11. 在计算货币兑换时不需再进行额外计算!

    No more extensive calculations in front of exchange booth .

  12. 须视乎现金供应量及当地货币兑换条例。

    Subject to cash availability and local foreign exchange regulation .

  13. 在古灵阁可以将麻瓜货币兑换成巫师的硬币。

    It is possible to exchange Muggle money for wizarding coins at Gringotts .

  14. 货币兑换商会通过银行出售他们的商品。

    Money changers would sell their wares from a table ( banco ) .

  15. 同时我们也在考虑促进货币兑换业务。

    We 're also looking at ways of promoting our currency exchange service .

  16. 市里的货币兑换商可靠吗?

    Are the money changers in the city reliable ?

  17. 你们对货币兑换收取多少手续费?

    What commission do you charge to exchange currency ?

  18. 货币兑换率是经常变的。

    Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation .

  19. 请给我货币兑换收据。

    Please give me the currency exchange receipt .

  20. 消除货币兑换成本;推动了欧洲统一大市场的建立;

    It eliminates the exchange cost of Euro-currency and impulses the establishment of Euro-market .

  21. 一楼接待处旁边就是货币兑换处?

    We have a currency exchange desk next to reception on the first floor .

  22. 澜湄次区域货币兑换障碍问题研究

    Currency Exchange Barriers in Lancang River-Mekong Sub-region

  23. 他把手上的货币兑换成了法郎。

    He changed his money into francs .

  24. 批评古巴政府的人士说,哈瓦那对美国旅行者征收非常高的货币兑换费用。

    He said people he knows in the United States and in Cuba are very supportive .

  25. 如今,货币兑换商已从我们文明庙宇的高处落荒而逃.

    The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization .

  26. 一个国家的货币兑换成另一个国家的货币的价格被称作外汇汇率。

    The price at which one currency exchanges for another is called a foreign exchange rate .

  27. 处理储蓄或货币兑换事务

    Dealing with savings or money exchange

  28. 然而,货币兑换障碍问题已经成为制约其发展的重要因素。

    However , the problem of currency exchange has been an important factor that hinders the development .

  29. 在惠誉评级公司降低爱尔兰信用等级之后,欧洲货币兑换美元开始每周损失。

    Europe 's currency headed for a weekly loss against the dollar after Fitch Ratings downgraded Ireland .

  30. 此外,在这五年中,我们还得冒货币兑换率浮动的危险。

    Besides we have to bear the risk of fluctuation in exchange rate in these five years .